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Entries from June 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009


Whatever Wednesday

Evening edition. 

  • Phrase that I've said a lot of since last Wednesday:  "Please come find me!  Why do you have to yell to me from across the house?!"
  • Some card games that the girls are loving right now:  Match of the Penguins, Wig Out, and Monster Maker.  They all state ages 6 and up and were all a little difficult for Vienne the first time around.  But she got the hang of them quickly.  They are all quick playing card games that we can get a few of in before bed.  And they really are so fun.
  • At one point in our day today, the car thermometer read 105 degrees.  Enough to melt just about anyone.
  • Vienne has been going to circus camp this week so Natalya and I have been having some much needed and wanted "Mommy time", as Natalya calls it.  Today, I took Natalya to get her first ever manicure.  I picked out a subtle light pinkish color.  Natalya chose bright fluorescent green.  Our sweet friends Angela and Lynne were having sushi for lunch so Natalya and I joined them.  It was Natalya's first time there but we found a roll that she really liked, the Texas Roll.  It had roast beef, cream cheese, and cucumber I think.  Oh, and it was fried.  
  • The whole South Carolina governor thing just blows my mind.  As much as I say, "I'm not surprised", I just can't help but be a little surprised.  How did he think he could get away with it?
  • I found this cute, tulle skirt and had to buy it hoping that Vienne will wear it for her party.  It was on sale, too. 
  • My sister is visiting this weekend for V's party.  I can't wait to see her, the girls can't wait to see her. 
  • Just saw this on a Facebook post and had to share the link.  It really struck a chord for me being a mom of girls and consciously raising them up to be "integral to the mainstream".  Check it out here.
  • I always tell Vienne that I want her to stay little.  Since her birthday is coming up, I said to her today that she could still have her party, but would she stay four for me?  We could have the cake but we could put four candles on it again.  She replied, "No. But I can always love you forever like I'm a baby."  I knew exactly what she meant. 

Baby's Got a Brand New Do

I have been wanting this for awhile. The struggle to comb it everyday was a huge one. Knots galore. It would get stuck under her pits. She was always pushing it off her face. But as soon as we got to the salon today, I felt a little sad. Vienne has had her hair cut before. As a matter of fact she was born with a full head of hair so she had many cuts before she turned one (I'll have to find a pic). But it has been awhile. And I LOVE her curls.

She looks adorable.  But older.  And I'm sad that she looks older because she turns five in a few weeks and I didn't need a tangible reminder.  The stylist blew it out straight and I don't see any curls right now.  I'm gonna wash her hair tomorrow and hope to God that her curls are still there.  Vienne loves it and I guess that's what's important.  I guess.


Whatever Wednesday

  • Phrase that I've said a lot since last Wednesday:  "Please don't find me.  I'll be back over there in a minute."  Why is it that they have to follow me everywhere I go?
  • Still working on the circus/acrobat party.  I've got lots of games lined up and ordered some banners (or buntings) from etsy for decoration.  Any other cool circus decoration ideas out there? 
  • Speaking of parties-  One of these days, I am going to have a miscellaneous-whatever-everything under the sun-mismatched-every theme you can think of party.  Because I have something from every party the girls have had over the years- cowboys plates and hats, hula leis, pirate silver forks, unicorn napkins, princess necklaces- stuffed into about three tubs.  And they are in my craft room now waiting to find a new resting spot.  The child that agrees to it will be rewarded.
  • Speaking of circus-  Vienne is going to Circus Camp next week at her gymnastics place.  Big coincidence that it's happening the week of her party.  Couldn't have been better timing.
  • Natalya is starting speech therapy this week at a private office.  She had been taking it during the school year at school for free but I don't know that I've seen much of a difference.  The new therapist says that the only issue she has is "R" and that it should be easy to fix.  Then why wasn't it fixed during the year for free?  Anyway, she's entering the 3rd grade and I thought, for social reasons mostly, that we nip it in the bud.  She is excelling tremendously regardless.  We just got the letter yesterday that she passed her Gifted and Talented test and will enter the GT program next year.  Proud Momma over here.
  • Vienne asked me the other day what a "boyfriend" was.  I said, "Well, it's a friend who is a boy."  V's response, "Oh, I thought it was a boy who said 'I love you and I want to marry you.'"  Natalya never freaked me out with questions like that. 
  • The girls are getting hair cuts.  Their hair is soooooooooooooo long that I just can't take the combing out the knots anymore.  It's always such a dramatic event.  We won't cut it short but at least 4 inches off of both heads. 
  • Natalya had a great time at horse camp last week.  They spent two days riding at the river and even got to take some of the horses in the water. 

Natalya on her new favorite horse, Reggie. 

  • We had such a great day yesterday.  We did some workbooks and flash cards, started on Daddy's Father's Day card (which is so cute, by the way), we cleaned out the playroom some more and filled up a nice size box for donation, we practiced juggling outside.  All before noon and all because one of our appointments got cancelled.  When that appointment got cancelled, I cancelled the other two and we stayed home until Natalya's riding lesson.  Nice. 

Happy Wednesday!


It's Gettin' Hot in Here

Well, it's been hot.  South Texas hot.  Nothing unusual for these parts.  All we can do to keep cool is swim.  And the girls want to swim every single day. 

Yesterday, in the heat, we joined some of our neighbors for a bbq at the river.  Our neighborhood is so big that we got together with neighbors only in our nook.  It's was so nice getting to know everyone.  We are so lucky that we are living in a great place, with nice people, so close to a great park with the river.  Did I mention that it's hot here?  I was worried about picnic-ing in 99 degree heat.  Cuz it's hot.  But we had a great time and the girls had a blast.  They fished and swam and caught minnows and tadpoles with thier hands.  I told Hubs that I'm so glad that the girls enjoy that kind of thing because I wouldn't have when I was little.  It's just to gross.  I'm also glad that he enjoys it so that the girls experience it. 

It grossses me out that they caught so many tadpoles because the tadpoles turn to frogs and frogs gross me out.  And it grosses me out that they were in the river with all of those things swimmimg around them.  I blame my parents for not taking me to the river when I was little.  Ew. 

Happy Monday!  Tracey's Best Shot is not gross today, so go see.


Whatever Wednesday

Technically it's still Wednesday, although it's late and I'm tired:

  • So Summer is not relaxing this week. Somehow I looked at my calendar and thought this week would be good for booking two camps. I would never intentionally do that. Just too much driving around. So, Vienne and Natalya started art camp on Monday but Natala left art camp today for horse camp through Saturday. Vienne will continue art camp through Friday. 
  • I've been thinking a lot lately about quotes because I want to get some vinyl quotes to put on the girls' walls. I've been trying to come up with strong, meaningful quotes. Quotes that inspire. One that comes to mind is "To thine ownself be true." When that quote came to mind, I really thought about how I try to teach the girls to really live by that. I really want them to be strong, willful, independent women.
  • Not sure why that last whatever came out but I really have been thinking about it a LOT lately.
  • In a few weeks my baby will be five.  We (meaning I) are planning a circus party cuz Vienne still loves acrobats.  I couldn't figure out how to just do an acrobat party so it will be a circus party with a clown. 
  • Random cute from etsy.  It just amazes me how creative people can be. 
  • The other day the girls started collecting sticks to play with then became interested in birds' nests.  I told them I would find out how to make one.  Here is what I found:  bird's nest out of paper bags, nest from clay and things, and a more complicated version but very pretty.  And you can't have nests without paper birds.
  • We finally hung curtains up in two rooms yesterday.  What a difference curtains make in a room.  So homey and warm now. 
  • My craft room organization project is under way.  I have shelves coming soon.  The process of cleaning it out involves making more of a mess it seems but I have made a dent.  I've also realized that organization involves lots of letting go.  I seem to find an emotional attachment to too many things.  And if anyone sees me buying any gift bags or tissue paper please slap me.  I've collected sooooo much of it that I am leaving it to someone in my will.  Any occasion, color, gender, texture, material, I've got it.

Ok, I'm out.  It's way too late cuz Conan's on.  But boy do I like that Conan is on earlier.  I can actually watch a little bit of it now.