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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010


Monday Monday

If we all did the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.  ~ Thomas Edison

So we enter week two of school.  So far so good.  I say that as I cross my fingers and knock on wood.  We started a new school year and new after school activities.  Vienne has always wanted to cheer.  So when I found out that our little town has a cheer program with their boys youth football league we jumped for joy.  She is so in her element.  She likes it even more because I'm the assistant coach.  But I only volunteered because I thought I'd get a cheerleading uniform.  Just kidding.

Vienne cheered at her first game this Saturday.  The girls were hot.  Look how flushed V's cheeks are.  But still so cute.  I guess we were taking a break here.

 Here are the girls doing their half time routine.  Vienne is at the top.  One of these days I'll remember to pack the correct lens.  I really didn't forget, I just don't like carrying that hunka thing of a lens around.  I wish you could tell from this pic but she is smiling from ear to ear.

And do all you has been cheerleaders remember this?  When you go to the other side to do a cheer for the other team?  SO cute.

So that's where we'll be spending our Saturdays for awhile.  Now Natalya is also starting something new.  She will continue to ride horses but I thought it would be a good idea for her to get out too.  Last Fall she played soccer again.  She's played for over two years before, she says she likes it.  She never complained about going but I didn't feel like her heart was in it.  So I suggested other things.  Maybe basketball?  No.  Maybe volleyball?  No.  OK, how about softball.  No.  OK, well, you're gonna have to choose one.  "OK, softball, but I don't really want to."  You don't know how many times this Summer she said, "Momma's making me try softball."  My thought is that at her age if we as a family (because the whole family goes to games to support the other member of the family) have to commit to her sport then her heart HAS to be in it.  I don't wanna make V go to every game just to watch N go through the motions.  Not to mention all the practices that we have to plan around.  It's tough for us all.

I did tell Natalya that if the tries softball with a whole heart and gives it 100% effort and still doesn't like it, then she doesn't have to do it again.  You'll never know if you don't try.  And guess what?  She likes it!  At their second practice, the coach asked the girls who would be interested in pitching.  She raised her hand!  Voluntarily!  And she's good!  She's never ever played before!  OK, I'm not planning on the World Series yet.  I'm not even planning on next season.  But I am proud of her.  

She even has the facial expressions down.

 And here she is doing what she loves more than anything in the whole wide world.

Goodness, I can feel the heat just looking at this picture.  It was so hot that day.  But every horse crazy girl will tell you that any day at the stable is a good one.  This one will be My Best Shot for today.  I've been awol there too.  

Here's to a great week.  Try something new and be proud of yourself.  Me, I'll be filling up my gas tank again because even though I encourage these activities, my car is my second home.


Team Up Thursday


This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "old" as our theme.  And I  have to admit that I almost took a pic of an old camera too!  But then Rockey showed and begged me to photo her instead.  Rockey is pretty old at 11.  She even gets mailers reminding us to schedule her "senior check up" at the vet.  But we've been very lucky that she is still so very healthy and could keep up with a puppy most any day.  We're hoping that she sticks around for a long while.  Don't forget to add your pic to the Flickr pool for more fun. 

Just had to update you on the school situation because it makes me so happy.  V is doing so well.  In the car on the way to school on the second day V said to me, "Momma, don't worry about me.  1st grade is great."  It was such a proud moment.  She is so tough yet so sensitive that I will still always worry about her.


Back to the Grind

You send your child to the schoolmaster, but 'tis the schoolboys who educate him.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The girls' traditional apples for the teacher.  And, of course, Vienne again has her blanket.

And they're off!  The race is on for another school year.  The morning wasn't that hectic.  They both got up easily (even though V get's up 30 minutes later which was about 6 "five more minutes").  When we dropped V off I could tell that she was apprehensive but was such a trooper.  When we picked the girls up Vienne said her day was "awesome".  Her word exactly.  I'm cautiously optimistic but she's had such a history of crying at drop off that I'm expecting some regression at some point.  Who knows, this may be her year.  I think I actually said that last year.  Anyway, I'll just be happy for today and be grateful that she has this great feeling to take with her on her second day of 1st grade.  

Natalya again never disappoints.  She is always happy with whatever comes her way.  She loves her teacher and loves that she came home with with a filled binder and a schedule.  She is so excited because 4th grade rotates for each of the subjects.  Wow, she's a real student.  And, weirdly enough, the teachers look like real teachers.  When we went in for Meet the Teacher Night, I walked into her classroom and was taken aback by how "formal" the teachers were.  Standing with their hands clasped.  Dressed like teachers (whatever that means in my mind).  How they reached their hand out to shake mine instead of offering a hug.  The rooms were not so whimsical.  Everything surrounding the students was leading those naive 4th graders to that long hall (or haul) towards reality.  I know Natalya is prepared.  Good golly, I hope Vienne will be.  


What I Did Over Summer Vacation

OK, since I wasn't that great at posting pics of anything we did this Summer I thought I'd do a shortish summary of what we did over our Summer break.  

First, there is Hilton Head Island:

 Oh, man, look at Vienne's hair.  Sometimes I miss it.

We walked on the beach at sunset.  The girls were able to catch so many sea creatures:  sand dollars, hermit crabs, and other weird unidentifiable things.  Vienne even saw a sting ray swim by her.  I didn't believe her until a man said it swam by him too.  This night as we were walking on the beach a family was fishing and they caught a baby shark!  Freak out.  

I believe that this is the only evidence I have that I was on this trip.  A nice man, who turned out to be a photographer, asked us if we wanted our picture taken.  From that point, I vowed I would always do that in return.  I'm so grateful to him now.  

Hilton Head Island was beautiful.  The whole island is very charming.  We got to go out on a boat to see dolphins.  Amazing!  I really hoped the girls would get to see them.  We were nearing the end of the trip and a school of dolphins came up to the boat and swam with us jumping and playing!  I would love to go back.  

Next up is Austin, Texas.  The capital of our fine state.  The Hubs really thinks that Summer trips should be educational (I think they must include a beach).  So we took the girls on a short road trip to get a little edumacated.

We visited the Texas State History Museum, the state capital building, we saw the bats come out from under the Congress Avenue bridge, we visited the Austin Children's Museum, the Austin Zoo, and the botanical gardens.  Wow, how long was that trip?

 They're such great sports, aren't they?

OK, next up was our first ever real life road trip.  Over 6 hours long.  I remember when I was young, that was the only way we traveled.  Mom loaded up the family car, made us food for lunch, and my sister and I fought over who was crossing the imaginary middle line.  Road trips have definitely changed since then with the invention of the car dvd player.  Brilliant idea.  The girls did really well and gave us hope for future road trips.  

So, anyway, the road trip led us to Longview, Texas, home of the Great Texas Balloon Race.  Well, it wasn't so great and we missed the race.  But we did see some hot air balloons.  It just wasn't what I had imagined.   

I do believe that this is the only evidence of me being on this trip and I took it with the self timer.  Let's completely ignore the fact that I am wearing the exact same shirt in this picture as I am in the picture of me above.  I knew there was a reason that I don't jump in pictures.  I do have other clothes.  Darn but the girls are cute, huh?

This was the night glow.  They inflate the balloons and burn the fire and the balloons glow.  So pretty. 

On the way back home, we decided that we were just gonna stop when we saw something that was interesting.  One of the stops was a u pick em blueberry farm.  SO glad we stopped.

It was so very hot out but all we needed was about 45 minutes to get enough blueberries for an awesome pie and a batch of blueberry muffins.  Man they were good.  

 And that's what we did on Summer vacation.  Throw in lots of swimming and a few outings and we'll call it successful.  The girls start school tomorrow.  They were both asleep by 8:30.  They have met their teachers and one out of two is excited to start a new year.  50% is not too bad is it?  


Team Up Thursday



This week at Team Up Thursday, Me and Megan chose the theme "big".  Megan is on the left and I'm on the right.  I love Megan's lighthouse and can't believe that was taken with her iPhone.  When Natalya saw herself in this pic she said, "Wow, I'm taller than the lighthouse."  I used my wide angle lens and held my camera sideways touching the ground.  I shot up and got a cool shot.  I knew it would be somewhat distorted but I think it's funny.  Natalya already has big feet (9 years old and she wears a size 4) but her feet look even bigger here in her riding boots.  

One of these days I'll fill in the blanks between Thursdays.  I'm already feeling overwhelmed because the girls' after school activites have already started and they haven't started school yet.  V's two activities have turned in a four/five day a week affair.  N is going to try softball this season.  Against her wishes but I truly believe that she has to experience it before she can say she doesn't like it.  And I think I've put myself out there more than I usually do so I will be saying no to whatever comes my way from here on out.  Don't try to change my mind because I just might waiver.  And I have to say that I'm reconsidering the idea that my girls won't get their driver's licenses until they are 23.  16 is sounding much more logical.  And whatever car they want.  As long as someone will be able to drive me around all day.

The girls meet their teachers tonight.  I'm crossing my finger for an uneventful year.