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Entries from September 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007



This is very late but I decided to post it anyway. Tracey's theme for this Thursday is ritual. We probably have several during our day but the main one lately is our get ready for school ritual. It's typical, nothing out of the ordinary. But today was special. Today Daddy decided to go in to work late (we had two appointments at the house that we made early). He takes Natalya to school most days but he has never taken Vienne to school. And V has been wanting him to. So today we got ready as usual but instead of just Daddy and Natalya leaving the house, we all left (in two cars because Daddy did still have to get to work). We had planned on dropping N off, going to the bakery for muffins, then dropping V off. We got to Natalya's school, unloaded and OOPS- no backpack. Natalya giggles. Daddy goes back home to get it then meets me and V at the bakery. We have our muffins then take V to school. We unload at her school and OOPS no school bag! Vienne giggles and I go get the bag. Greg heads to the house for our construction meetings but not before saying, "I'm never doing this again. It threw everyone off." Our usual ritual was interrupted and not without a price. There is a reason we have rituals. It keeps us all sane.

Tomorrow, a super fun friend and I are heading to what is said to be a famous antique show a couple of hours away. A girls road trip. We're staying a night then shopping Saturday. I'm hoping to find at least one good treasure. And it's not even the shopping that thrills me the most. It's the idea that this will be the first time that I've been away over night without Greg and the girls. Ever. Don't judge. I'm just overly attached. I'm learning to let go. Hopefully I'll bring back a good story.

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House Update

Just an update on the house. It is moving along very well. They've sheet rocked the inside and textured the walls. They are currently putting the stone on the exterior and will paint the stucco as soon as I get a chance to run over there and check out the sample color they put on the wall.

The exterior will be part stone part stucco.

The front door waiting to be stained. Although it's up now, I think they will be taking it down. They don't usually keep the doors on and usually use construction doors. They had to install it to make the door frame. Hmm.



Blogger is Whack...

...This morning. I guarantee the pics are there. Please check back later. Hmm...Is someone working on it? Is anyone awake? I was packing up to move two weeks ago and thought, "Well, it doesn't happen that often." Time to rethink. Ugh.

Happy Monday

This was Natalya's serious face. I just love it. I have been practicing more with Stacey's "eye pop" tutorial. What a difference it makes. This is My Best Shot. Heading over to Picture This.

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Before and After

If you don't visit Stacey on a regular basis like I do, you're missing out on some great photography (and, well, cute kids!) But as an added bonus, on Saturdays she posts photography tips. I'm constantly trying to improve my craft so I love her tips. Stacey is a fantastic teacher and her tutorials are so easy to follow. Today's tip was on how to dodge the eyes to make that wonderful "eye pop" that I've seen a lot of lately. Go over there and check it out. But first looky at what I've done! The first shot is the before and the second is the after. I followed Stacey's eye pop directions and then processed some more for the final oomph. What do you think, Stacey?

