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Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010


Team Up Thursday


This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "landscape".  Megan on top and me on the bottom.  Megan's photo could be on a postcard, perfectly set up with the little barn building in the background.  My shot is the view that I get (lately, most evenings of the week) as I drive up about to approach our house.  We are surrounded by beautiful landscape.  But I have to admit, landscape photos don't appeal to me.  The thing that I like most about my photo are the baby flares that showed up, especially the teeny one on the side mirror, right in the middle.  Even though I see this view coming home and think it's lovely, in a picture, ehh, not so much.  

The weather has been gorgeous here in South Texas this past week.  Mornings starting at 58 degrees and only reaching 88 degrees.  Perfect.  I'll take it while it lasts because Texas weather is crazy and it could end up in the mid 90s again soon.  Happy Thursday!


Cover Girl


A few weeks ago, my friend Catherine, who owns a sweet, sweet baby boutique called BabyKakesink, emailed regarding a new digital magazine being launched.  The editor needed submissions for the cover photo and Catherine wanted me to submit.  So I did.  Now Vienne is a cover model.  You can view the whole magazine called Tots to Teens Magazine online.  It has wonderful resources and shopping links.  Many thanks to Catherine for the faith and encouragement!  


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday we are hoping that we have a lot of participation in our group theme of "fly" in the way of Jan Von Hollenben's "Dreams of Flying".  It really was fun!  The girls helped me think up ideas and then the drew the pictures on the driveway.  So girly too.  Opposite of what Megan dreamed up with her two boys.  They are the antithesis of each other, good v. evil.  I can't wait to see what everyone else came up with.  Don't forget the Team Up Flickr pool and the "inspired by Dreams of Flying" Flickr pool.  


Team Up Thursday


This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "work" for our theme.  I love that it's our kids working and not us.  This is the first year for homework for Vienne and thank goodess it's not too much yet because the grumgling can be just mind numbing.  Sheesh.  I'm not looking forward to when it's algebra homework.  Wait, that would be grumbling from her, not me.  Just to be clear.  The grumbling during algebra might be from me.

Megan and I are hoping that you are preparing to join us for another group challenge.  This one is inspired by the artist Jan Von Holleben and his series of photos titled "Dreams of Flying".  We just want one photo created by you and it's due on Sept. 23.  There is also a Flickr pool created for photos inspired by this set so go check it out if you need some more inspiration.

On an unrelated note, we are knee deep in rain and floods down here.  Hurricane Hermine has presented a wrath pretty fierce.  Hopefully the worst has come and gone.  And for those of you who beg for rain, I hope you are happy now.  We don't need rain for another year.


First Time Momma to Be- San Antonio Maternity Photography


This is new momma to be Jill.  She makes being pregnant look so easy.

Thought I'd take a second to say a huge THANKS to those that refer me.  I would be nowhere if I didn't have people around me that supported me and encouraged me by telling others about me and my work.  Thank you a million times.  Thank you, Andrea, for referring Jill to me.