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Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


On the Thirty First Day of December

Any resolutions for the new year?  Mine is the typical like get more physically active with the girls.  But I'd also like to get more creative.  Watching this video helps.  This video was shot using roughly 3225 still photos for the entire video, using one camera, hanging from the ceiling.  Have a safe New Year's Eve if you're celebraing out.  See you next year.


On the Thirtieth Day of December

Daddy enjoying the toy he got for Christmas.

He got it stuck in the tree on his first try.

It has been really cold here in South Texas.  I know it's December but we live in Texas for a reason.  And that's because we can usually count on warm days in the winter.  I'm just a hot weather gal.  Although I'm pretty sure that if I were in my shorts right now I just might be complaining about how we don't get the four seasons.  If North Texas could send some of that snow down here I might think the cold weather was more fun.


On the Twenty Ninth Day of December


Natalya asked Santa for a metal detector.  She has lofty thoughts of finding something really cool one day.


On the Twenty Eighth of December


Love and joy.


On the Twenty Sixth Day of December