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Entries from May 1, 2007 - May 31, 2007


No More Pencils, No More Books

Today was Natalya's first day of Summer vacation. We slept in a little and hung out by the pool.

And it's just no fun without Rockey. Rockey loves to play with the water just as much as the girls do.




The framing is going up! Despite all of the rain, some work is still getting done.



Rain Rain Go Away

And it's STILL raining. We didn't do any exploring this weekend. We did go to dinner one night in downtown Boerne. After dinner we decided to walk Main Street. We didn't get far. The rain came down and we ducked into a doorway. Daddy had to run in the rain and get the truck.

This is My Best Shot Monday. Check us out.



Pomp and Circumstance

The school year ends as quickly as it began and so Natalya graduates. From kindergarten. And who wouldn't cry as they play My Wish by Rascal Flats as your daughter walks up the mini stage dressed in the most noble red cap and gown. Her kinder class had a whopping 7 kids in it (yep, only 7.) They sang the months of the years in English and Spanish while hand signing and then they did the Cha Cha Slide. Apparently this is a dance that only the cool people know because it was new to me until a couple of weeks ago.
Natalya always seemed wise beyond her years and often talked like she was a 40 year old. But tonight, she was my baby. A baby who is growing way too fast. I can't help but hope that the next time she wears a cap and gown that she'll still be calling me "Mommy" and will still let me hold her hand. We may be a little biased, but we think she'll go far.

To see more pictures, click here.



Art in the Park

Last Saturday we spent the morning at the Cibolo Nature Center in Boerne. The weather was wonderful. It's rare that we get "I'm cold" in South Texas in May. While we were out the weather was around 69 degrees. The CNC hosted Art in the Park. The girls got to paint flower pots, pound flowers onto cloths to make impressions, pet horses and llamas, and eat popcorn. And a bonus, again, this adventure was free.

We also walked the CNC nature trails. Beautiful. One trail led to Cibolo Creek where the girls tried to skip rocks and catch bugs. Next time we'll bring water shoes and towels because the water is just irresistible.

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