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Entries from June 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009


Baby Belly

Erin is expecting their first baby in about a month.  A boy.  Isn't she gorgeous?  She really should be on tv.  Speaking of, doesn't she look a little like someone famous?  I mentioned it to her and she said she'd only gotten it a few times.  I won't say who I think she looks like, you tell me.  A prettier, more glamourous version.  


Whatever Wednesday

  • In case you are already regretting saying last week, "Ugh, I can't wait for Summer vacation to start" here are a couple sites I found from other blogs to get your craft on:  Crafts and more crafts.  This is a fantastic more than crafts site that I found and love.
  • I love Vienne's legs.  They are still baby-ish, I mean compared to Natalya's legs.  Natalya is so ticklish she doesn't just let me caress like V does.  Vienne loves for me to "tickle" her, just touch her back lightly.  Or her legs.  While I was tickling her legs the other day I said, "I love your baby legs."  V responded with, "They're hairy.  When can I shave them?"  Huh?  What was that?  I never talk about shaving my legs, where did that come from?  
  • Natalya has been wanting a garden for a VERY long time.  Hubs just got around to making one, raised slightly and fenced to keep the deer out.  She planted carrots, green onions, string beans.  I'm not a gardener, I don't like the idea of worms.  So we'll see how everything turns out soon.  
  • I am on a roll with this organizing thing.  Who would have thought I'd get such satisfaction from seeing it all come together.  By the way, I just put my Christmas ornaments away.  Yep.  They have been out in baskets since Christmas because I was dead set on getting those boxes that have the dividers in them specifically for ornaments.  Guess what?  Can't find them after Christmas.  So I reluctantly wrapped them and packed them in regular tubs.  Two days ago.  They are now in the attic.  Don't congratulate it just encourages negative behavior.
  • A couple Saturdays ago, I took the girls to Art in the Park.  The Nature Center hosts it every year.  It's a fun day in the park with lots of crafts.  Here ⇓ the girls are doing a collage.  However about 15 minutes after this picture was taken, it began to pour like crazy and we had to take cover under the pavillion.  We were able to do about 3 crafts before it rained.  I had to run and get the car in the crazy sideways rain. 

Happy Wednesday.  I have a great maternity session to post later today, so come back later. 


Summer Vacation Has Begun

Today is officially the start of Summer vacation.  This is the first Monday that I was able to sleep in (a little but I'll take it) and not pack school lunches and not hurry people out the door.  I was really hoping to stay in our jammies all day today but looks like we have plans today.  Today is also the day that starts "Operation Organization".  And I'm starting with the desk.  I am getting to my craft room but I think I need the desk done first because a lot of what's on the craft room floor is paper work and books (from when we just dumped during our move in.  I won't mention that that was a year ago.)  So, I put it out there.  Now it has to get done.

Shiney, happy people.  Happy Best Shot Monday, ya'll!

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