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Entries from June 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011


Baby Lilly- San Antonio Newborn Photographer

I had a chuckle while waiting for mom to nurse Baby Lilly.  Have a great weekend!


Free Printable for Father's Day

Please link back to my blog when you have the opportunity.  Would love to know who downloads this so comment and tell us how you'll use this.  Download here or click on the image.  Enjoy!


Looky Looky

 Look who got on the cover of Green Child Magazine!  When I told Vienne, she said, "Oh no.  I don't want to be famous."  She's such a hoot.  Green Child is a great digital magazine with great ideas and tips on how to help live green with your child.  Check it:


Horse Show

Natalya had her first horse show today at her riding school.  She had sooo much fun and can't wait to do more. 

Waiting for her turn.  It musta been a big deal because I haven't been allowed to braid Natalya's hair in years.  And OMG I even got to put ribbons in her hair.  PINK ribbons.  AND Natalya even said that she couldn't wear her gloves because "they didn't match her clothes."  This is all from my girl who refuses anything girly.  She really meant business today.

Natalya just started at this school after being at the same barn for 3 years.  As hard as it is to change we are so glad we did.  She has progressed so much in just two months.

She mighta came home with a few ribbons.  




In what seemed like the longest softball season ever, Natalya's team the Rangers finally closed it out as the champions in 1st place.  They even came back from being behind at least 10 runs.  I stopped counting at 10 runs thinking the game was over.  I was even trying to convince myself that 2nd place was just as great because they played hard.  But it turns out that 1st place was much more exciting.  I would have been proud of Natalya either way.  But they really deserved it.