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Entries from January 1, 2009 - January 31, 2009



Not sure what possessed me but I decided to try my hand at designing a card this evening.  I have been searching for Valentine's Day card templates and although I've seen lots of nice stuff I kept wondering what was involved and could I do it.  Well, it was a bit tedious but not hard.  I'm thinking that the hardest part is the collecting of elements to put on the card.  Here is what I came up with:

Not bad for my first attemtpt.  Don't you dare burst my bubble!  Just kidding of course.  I'd actually like comments about it.  And, since I'd like to know if it's actually useable, I am even willing to let you have it and play with it.  My stipulations:  Do not try to sell it as yours, credit me when you can, let me know about glitches, ease of use, blah blah, and please don't pass the download on but rather send them here to get it.  I cannot guarantee anything since this was my first try and I'm willing to post that it didn't work out for anyone.  I'd like to learn from it.  I use CS3 so I know it works for CS3.  It is 5x7 with an edge bleed for printing.  It comes in layers and it's editable.  Any elements can be moved or turned off, text can be changed. 

If you want it leave a comment here with your email and I will figure out how to send it to you.  FUN!  Oh, and that's cutiepie Addie who just turned 3.  Happy Birthday, Princess Addie!


All We Need is...


And a little bit of fresh air and a swift hike to beat the cold 60 degree weather.  That's right, I said cold.

Yesterday we took to the girls to the state park not too far away to do a some hiking and exploring.  I always forget how much they love it.  I was a little chilly but they trekked on and didn't want to leave.  We skipped rocks, hunted armadillo (saw two!), and had a picnic dinner of brats and pb & j.  

That last shot will be My Best Shot for today because I just love it when I get both of them together.

Happy Monday to ya!


Let the Light Shine Down

A little warmth going out to my friend Erica and all of you under a blanket of snow.  I truly cannot imagine what it's like to shovel snow, blundle up three kids for any outing (my girls hate jackets on in their car seats), and, darn it, be cold all the time.  I was about to say "hang in there" but I just remembered that it's only January.  Living in S. Texas you kinda have to be reminded by a calendar that there are seasons.


I Am...

...an awesome momma.

...a coffee drinker.

...always cold.

...a sister.

...a procrastinator.

...a tank top and jeans girl.

...craving sushi right now.

...a camera freak.

...5'2" on a good day.

...cold right now.

...looking forward to sun and Summer.

...a good friend.

...not happy in the kitchen.

...low maintenance.

...usually sleepy by 9:30.

...thankful for many things.

I'm playing along with Tracey (sometimes you need a little prompt to get you blogging).  If you want to play, list 16 things about yourself and link it up.  I'd love to know more about you.

And a couple of pictures form a session I had a few weeks ago.  This family was sent to me by a friend and it turned out that Mom works wih the Hub.  Sweet kids, all beautiful.


Howdy, 2009!

I hope 2009 has gotten off to a great start for everyone.  I really had such a wonderful holiday.  The girls were so good.  I read them the riot act and threatened them with camp on the first day of vacation.  But after that they were perfect angels most of the time.  They have one more day of vacation and then it's back to waking up early.  I was really loving getting up at 7:30. 

My big plan for 2009- no, for January 2009- is getting my craft room done finally.  I go in there all the time and wish I had a nice, crafy place to hang out.  We will have been in this house for a year at the end of March and I really don't want to say that the room is still a mess at that point.  So send some creative chi my way. 

It's a dreary, wet-ish, cold day today.  It will only be in the high 30s.  Luckily in S. Texas cold days don't last long and it will be in the 70s in a few days.  Don't think I could live where it's cold for a whole Winter.  Imagine that- cold Winters.  We'll spend our last day of vacation inside. 

Looking forward to a great 2009.