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Entries from February 1, 2010 - February 28, 2010


I Love...


I've been interested in photography for as long as I can remember.

Thinking back, I still remember the Kodak Disc Camera.  I hope there's someone else out there that remembers it too.  I can't be the oldest one here.  

Before kids, I took a darkroom class.  I loved being able to watch the image appear right before my eyes.  I guess that's kind of the same gratification you get using a digital camera.  I'm one who usually has to load my pictures as soon as possible just to see what I got.  

I'm still learning of course.  Would love to take a workshop soon.

It's always nice to be able to share my work.  Thanks to the awesome Tracey Clark of Best Shot Monday (and MANY other creative ventures) this photo of girls (they think they're famous now) got into Artful Blogging.  Tracey and the story of Best Shot Monday is in the current issue which is filled with tons of creative ideas and inspiration.  What is kinda cool also is that that photo above mine is by Megan of Mental Inventory, my Team Up Thursday partner.  So we were puttin' together diptychs before our Team Up collaboration.  I guess our photos were meant to be together.

I think this might be my new favorite quote.  Here's to a mud-lucious and puddle wonderful weekend. 

(Oh, and linkin' the blog over at Blessed Moon today.  So fun so find new blogs and get inspired.)


Team Up Thursday

This week for Team Up Thursday we challenged you to a self portrait.  


  Megan on the left and me on the right.  I hope Megan gives us some info on the levitating thing.  Was it photoshop?  Was she really feeling enlightened?  I'm probably the only one laughing.  This one was surely a challenge for me because I'm very critical of myself.  I took so many shots but I can say that I'm pleased with what I got.  SO excited to see what everyone else comes up with.  SO excited. 

Thought I'd also share a before and after:

Quite a bit of editing including a dirt removal from my wind shield (if I wash my car it will rain again and I don't want anymore rain), increasing shadows for contrast, removing the background and adding the cloud texture layer, and various color adjustments.

Would have been better with a convertible, a scarf, and a wind machine.  Ah, next time.  Hope you're playing today.


I Love...


Not really.  I love snow in S. Texas because one second it's here and the next it's gone.

But I do love how excited the girls got today.  It snowed/sleeted for a good part of the day while they were at school.  But we still got some flurries after school, too. 

The girls made snowballs from what they could find 

and caught snowflakes in their hair.

Then Daddy joined in.  

And the Rockey dog shivered from the sidelines.  She's forgotten that she came from cold weather.  


Team Up Thursday


Megan on the top and me on the bottom.  Our theme for this week's Team Up Thursday is "love".  You're not surprised are you?  We were actually opposites for the first time this week with Megan capturing people and me with objects.  I still think it's a nice match.  But I also think I need me another donut.

Hope you're showing some love and playing again this week.  We've been so impressed with the turnout and with all of the diptychs.  Spread the word and get others to join in the fun.  


I Love...

... My sweet V. 

AKA the love bug, lovey dovey, munchkin, princess.  I love that she likes to sing out loud.  I love that she chooses to wear dresses in the rain.  I love that she lets me take pictures of her ALL the time (and even poses.)  I love that she loves to snuggle.  I love that she's a friend seeker.  I love that she'll ask for fruit if she doesn't like what I cook for dinner.  I love that she tries so hard at everything.  I love that she still says that she's my baby.  I love her.  

This is the photo we took for Valentine's Day.  I added the doodles which I found on etsy.  But you can do a search and find tons of free ones.  I had the picture printed on stickers, put the sticker on paper bags, and we filled the bags with sweet treats.  So get busy!  There's still time.

Even the almost 9 year old was excited to see hers made.  Natalya was a little apprehensive about the whole Valentine's thing.  She was worried that the other kids wouldn't be doing it.  I checked around and they are.   Whew, so glad she wasn't outgrowing that just yet.