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Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007


Coo Coo for Coconuts

This picture kinda makes me laugh. Natalya and I were at HEB the other day and she saw coconuts. Many a time I have said, "OK, one of these days we'll get one so you can see what they look like inside." Natalya reminded me so we took two home. Greg drilled a hole in each and we let the girls drink them. It was no surprise that Natalya did not like it and it was also no surprise that Vienne did. Then Greg smashed them open. I did what I could to shred some of the meat and made smoothies. If anyone has a trick to doing it let me know 'cause I had utensils and coconut everywhere. On the other hand, I now know why they have it already shredded and ready in bags.



Sewing Frenzy

I've been all consumed these last few weeks with several sewing projects. Thought I'd share some of them:

OK, no sewing on these. The girls, being my biggest fans, love them. Who says summer's almost over?

V's nap mat for school. I decided the day before school started that I am going to have her nap at school. So we ran out and got the plastic mat. Then I made this cover with fleece camo and contrasting motorcycle fabric. Girlie with a little edge, just like V. Attached pillow and attached blanket. I impressed myself.

And preschool totes. This is V's before the monogramming. Pink and brown zebra with black eyelash fringe. I also made two camo totes for two boy friends.

Next project will be Halloween costumes. The girls want to be monsters. Since we have always dressed up as a family, Mommy and Daddy will be monsters, too.



Wordless Wednesday

(Thanks Jen and Priya!)

Wordless Wednesday.

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If You Find Me Wandering...

...Please send me home. I feel a little lost and lonely with no Vienne around. It's eerily quiet and I think the Dog thinks something is up. It hasn't been just me and Rockey since before the girls. But V's first day of school drop off was a success. She didn't fuss or cry and woke up ready to go. This is how I hope to see her when I pick her up or else I'll be thinkin' that I'm the worst Mommy ever:

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We're Go For Lift Off

Natlaya, may your first day of first grade be indicative of the many first journeys you take. It's a big, big, big world. We know you'll go far.

This will be My Best Shot for today. As always, the party's at Tracey's Monday mornings.

Me and my girls taken by our sweet friends.

Among the many accomplishments I know she will be honored with is this! My big girl got first place in the A Little Perspective photo contest hosted by Tracey Clark et al. Natalya is very artistic at heart and I see lots of wonderful creations in her future. (Our sweet dog has a been a good model lately affording both Natalya and myself a first place win recently. We adore her.)

It will be Vienne's turn tomorrow!
