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Entries from October 1, 2009 - October 31, 2009


Kiddos- San Antonio Children's Photography

 I have a few friends that I've had a real long time.  One of those friends is Heather.  We went to college together.  She was in my wedding.  She actually is the one who introduced me to my husband!  So she surely holds a special place in my heart.  I can't believe that her children are so adorable!  Just kidding, I knew she'd make lovely babies. 

I just could not get over her son Baylor's curls.  Curls like no boy should ever have.  I would have given a foot for curls like this.

Baby girl Landry is the spitting image of Heather.  So sweet and just adorable.

It had been really rainy but we put on our boots and played in the mud.  

Cutiepie for sure.  

Thanks, Heather, for letting me photo your kiddos.





Rain Rain Go Away


Some lovely shots of my girl on this once again gloomy, wet, rainy day.  Ask and ye shall receive?  Really.  It was such a dry summer, we begged for rain, water wells were going dry.  Hmm, now we are flooded.  Oh, well.  It's supposed to be nice this Saturday for Halloween so I guess I'll take it for today.  


The Pumpkin Patch

The obligatory pumpkin patch trip.  We make it every year.  We really thought we'd be rained out this year but we were given an absolutely gorgeous day today.  So glad we made it.


I don't look forward to the day when Natalya says she's too old for this.

This shot is really sooc, no editing at all.  The sky was really that blue.  

I just LOVE how Vienne always puts her arm around Natalya when I say, "Snuggle!"  LOVE it.

I'm almost afraid to mention it but Vienne did not cry once last week at school.  Not once.  Knock on wood for me.  I will remain cautiously optimistic.  Happy Monday, here's to another tear free week.


Road Trippin'


Well, both girls got healthy and just in time for the weekend.  Me and my friend Angelia had serious road trip plans to go to Round Top for some junk in our trunk antique crafting fun.  We were so serious that this time we brought the Uhaul.  And the Hubbies.  The Hubs were actually excited to go and I think they had a good time.  We brought home some fun stuff and are planning our next trip in the Spring.  

There was some mention from the men about masculinity and pulling our carts.  So there had to be a picture.


Happy Monday!  What's your best shot?