Home Sweet Home

"Welcome home, Me". We are now in the new house but are living among a few boxes. We've cleared up a good many but they seem to be multiplying. There are still workers here doing this and that. We have painters in the house and a muralist putting horses on the girls' walls. We have landscapers outside. I don't think it will be peaceful here for a couple more weeks. But that's OK. My fantastically sweet friend Amy brought us pizza here the other night. I couldn't have been more grateful. I would not have thought to do that but she did. It was the best pizza ever. The girls go back to school tomorrow and hopefully schedules will be back to normal soon. Vienne is having a little trouble getting to sleep at night. She says she's scared and I understand. Natalya is having a blast, nothing ever bothers her. Pictures will come soon.
Tracy tagged me for a meme and it seemed mindless enough. So here it is- 7 Weird Things About Me.
- When I get hungry, I get a really short fuse. I snap at everyone. I almost always have to eat on time.
- I prefer beer over wine.
- I love to sleep. Although naps make me grumpy.
- I hate cooking. Only do it because we have to eat. But we do have a very lovely new kitchen. Maybe I'll be inspired. No, probably won't.
- I can't walk barefoot in hotel rooms. I have to wear socks or shoes the whole time. I wear my socks right to the shower and put them back on right when I get out.
- I hate worms more than any other creepy crawly.
- I don't think I have ever finished a can of soda.That's it. I won't tag anyone but let me know if you want to do it. And let me know if I'm not as weird as I think . Ok, I'm off to take a look at my craft room. There are a lot of boxes in there but that's the room I really want to see done.