It's Gettin' Hot in Here

Well, it's been hot. South Texas hot. Nothing unusual for these parts. All we can do to keep cool is swim. And the girls want to swim every single day.
Yesterday, in the heat, we joined some of our neighbors for a bbq at the river. Our neighborhood is so big that we got together with neighbors only in our nook. It's was so nice getting to know everyone. We are so lucky that we are living in a great place, with nice people, so close to a great park with the river. Did I mention that it's hot here? I was worried about picnic-ing in 99 degree heat. Cuz it's hot. But we had a great time and the girls had a blast. They fished and swam and caught minnows and tadpoles with thier hands. I told Hubs that I'm so glad that the girls enjoy that kind of thing because I wouldn't have when I was little. It's just to gross. I'm also glad that he enjoys it so that the girls experience it.
It grossses me out that they caught so many tadpoles because the tadpoles turn to frogs and frogs gross me out. And it grosses me out that they were in the river with all of those things swimmimg around them. I blame my parents for not taking me to the river when I was little. Ew.
Happy Monday! Tracey's Best Shot is not gross today, so go see.
Reader Comments (16)
but isn't "grossness" one of the best parts of motherhood ;)? try getting six boys around the table eating cake...and having the talk turn to farts and diarrhea...good times.
Very cool! I'm with you though -- no catching things that are slimy for me...ick!
I love how kids are not grossed out by the same stuff adults are. Like Megan said "bathroom humor" is hysterical to kids and bugs are cool!
Sounds like you have a great bunch of neighbors, we are lucky like that too.
LOL you're so funny.....yeah, they're kinda gross, but kids just love 'em! Great capture of the moment, too!
yeah, kids are so much more adventurous than adults - I don't think I'd be swimming with any tadpoles, that's for sure. But this is a great capture - on both your parts!
LOL...yes, I suppose if you aren't used it to it, it would be gross. Great shot...even though it's "gross". ;)
It's finally getting to the 80's here for a few days. You are just a bit warmer there.
great shot, but yuck! at the same time!
I remember putting squirming leeches onto the fish hooks for bait. {gross, gross, gross} but my boys LOVED to fish and they were pretty excited so to save time and disaster I was the "squirmy live bait hooker". I did that a couple of times and got too grossed out. Your picture reminds me of those days.
Thank you for commenting on my photos about horses and riding. I love it!
But it doesn't even have legs! It's so teeny and cute! Glad you were able capture that.
looks like fun. i always have to try to relax when I give the boys a bowl and the search for rolley polleys and collect them...then they toss the bowl and lets the bugs fly. I feel bad for both the bugs and me at the same time. not sure about belly shots. when is a good week to do it?
Lovin' the shot and all the "grossness" - it'll keep 'em real. Thanks for sharing today - and stay cool!
What a great shot! I love all that childhood grossness, even more when it's girls doing it.
oh...i would be in heaven. what a great place to have so close and great for the girls to get to experience! (and if nothing else it provides good photo ops for you!)
it might take my girls a minute or two to get into it, but once they caught a minnow or tadpole, that would be the last we would see of them for hours! i remember when i found a little crab at the shore one day and they were all "ewwww!" until one of them finally got brave enough to hold it - and ever since then they have been on a mission to find crabbys everytime we go to the beach!
Hahahah. You are such a girly girl! We caught heaps of tadpoles when we were young! Jars and jars of the things. Watching them change into frogs was great and they somehow always all disappeared when we weren't looking :-(
Enjoy your hot weather. I can live without it for a while! Its 12C here!!!
Brings back memories when I was little at my grandparents house. I caught tadpoles every summer. They would mysteriously disappear overnight. I think my Grandma would get rid of them and tell me they hopped away. Very sweet that your girls enjoyed it!
Crazy bokeh, woman! What a beautiful shot. Its great that they enjoy that kind of stuff.