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Entries from April 1, 2010 - April 30, 2010


Team Up Thursday


This week, Megan and I chose the theme "fruit" but it seems that we were both a little bananas (I'm sure everyone can relate.)  I was hoping that my 'naners would have ripened up a bit more before their big shoot because I just love the bright yellow of Megan's.  But I'm still happy with it.  Don't forget the Flickr pool because lots of dips go there and don't make it to blogs.  Now some interesting facts about bananas:

  • A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.
  • The word banana is derived from the Arab word "banan," which means finger.
  • Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium.
  • Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it.  (So gonna try that one soon!)
  • Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store.  If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
  • The banana is a distant cousin to ginger, turmeric, and cardamom, and is botanically classified as a berry.
  • Bananas actually grow on plants not trees.
  • Bananas are an athlete's staple because they supply both instant and lasting energy due to their combination of natural sugar and complex carbohydrates. Bananas' potassium also helps prevent muscle cramps.

And, a banana a day will keep the constipation away.  Happy Thursday!  




I'm pretty sure she'd do anything if I said you can do it while eating a popsicle.  

Just bought these cute legwarmers the other day and V loves them.  This dress is from another great etsy designer.  There are so many creative people out there.  


Team Up Thursday


 Megan and I decided on the theme "shape" for our Team Up Thursday diptych this week.  I love how Megan composed this image and have to wonder if she did that while shooting or in post production.  How cool is it that we both chose to do circles?  There is so much talent out there, go and leave a few comments.


She's Crafty- Ruffle Tshirt

I really am.  It's the finding the time to do it.  The pulling all the stuff out of the closet.  The cleaning up afterwards.  I can come up with more reasons to not.  But in the end I'm usually glad that I did.  Pull all the stuff out I mean.  Cuz I really do like to craft and sew and create.  Especially when my little bug is so glad to wear what I create!  She truly is my biggest fan.  I put together this cute little ruffle shirt for her yesterday.  They are everywhere on etsy.  But since they are so simple to do I thought I'd make one.  Or two.  Or three.  Look out, I'm crafting!  

Of course, we had lasagna for dinner and that meant that the shirt ended up in the laundry about an hour after I made it.  Oh, well.  I do know that it lasted through the wash.

A close up.  I just cut some strips extra long, serged the edges (but you could sew the edges under or just leave them raw to fray), sewed two basting stitches to gather the fabric, then I sewed it on a tank I bought from Old Navy.  Voila!  And I wasn't the only one who crafted this weekend.  The girls made their own ribbon flip flops:

The girls got so many compliments on their "Fiesta Flops", as they now call them.  So they are very proud to wear them.  

Hope Carrie is crafting this week because I finally have something to show off!  She hosts Crafty Tuesday.  I'm so there this week.


Team Up Thursday


This week Megan and I worked with the theme "from lying down".  Megan's shot is on the bottom and is awesome.  That's actually more of what I was planning to do.  But I didn't get it.  And it just makes me what to work more for next week's theme.  Mine is a nice shot but just not what I had in mind.  That's the sky behind the flower.  And since it's pretty blown out you can't tell that my camera is lying on the ground below the flower.  But it's OK, next week's will be better.  What theme did you choose today?