Entries from January 1, 2010 - January 31, 2010
Team Up Thursday

Megan on the top and me on the bottom. Our theme for this week is "movement". I said "wow" as soon as I saw Megan's picture. Amazing capture. The shadow just makes the shot for me. Great job, Megan. This was surely a challenge for me. I took many a shot before I got one that was half way decent. Here's a nice link if you'd like to know more about shutter speed and catching moving objects.
If you are playing this week, go to Megan's and leave the link to your collaboration in the comments section so that we can all see what you and your partner came up with. If you don't have a blog, post your photo to the Flickr pool and leave the link to that. Don't forget that comments are really helpful. I can't wait!!
If you still don't have a partner, please leave Megan a comment that you need one. I think a few people got overlooked. If you are new here, grab a partner or let Megan know you need one. She'll hook you up.
The Sun Has Risen- Children's Photography, Boerne, Texas

The sun has been around but dang it's cold right now. 30s right now but it will get into the 60s today. I know that's what makes the cold less tolerable- it's knowing that the heat is just so close.
Seriously, she looks right into the camera.
They pose all on their own.
And the little guy, well, wasn't having the camera at all. But I got this one. While he protested.
I adore this family. Dawn trusts me to try new things. Thanks, Dawn. Her kiddos are just beautiful and can really work the camera. If you want "The Bed" session, you'll have to come to my house. My prop boy, aka The Hubs, does the bed setting up.
Hope everyone is working with their partner and is coming up with awesome diptychs to post for Team Up Thursday. You still have time.
Team Up Thursday- A Collaboration

Megan on the left and me on the right.
Megan and I decided to try a collaboration and we want everyone to participate with us. Every Thursday she will host Team Up Thursday. You and a partner will get together and post diptychs of the pics that you two come up with, like our "shoes from above" idea. I'm so amazed at how different our two photos look yet they fit together perfectly. Choose your own partner or go to Megan's and leave a comment and she will get you a partner. We'll be there every Thursday so come and play.

Answer to a question asked: As of right now I we decided that the theme is up to you. We think it's the best way to collaborate with your partner. We might throw in a theme every now and then.
Just Breathe

I found this site that has the cutest idea to make a Valentine's cupcake out of tissue paper. You'll have to scroll down a bit. So cute. Don't forget to visit Megan's tomorrow for some new photo fun.