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Entries from January 1, 2011 - January 31, 2011


The Three Amigos- Family Photographer, San Antonio, TX

I could not think of another title.  But somehow it fits.  I love these kiddos, they are so fun.  And this pic suits them perfectly.  I will do a tutorial on that shot below of V with the wood next week.  Had a request to share how I did that so I would be happy to fill you in.  Oh, and those light up there were not on- did that in processing.  ;P

I'm off in 30 minutes for my first real camping adventure with Natalya and the other Junior Girl Scouts (the older group of scouts.)  I'm nervous because even though I have romantic thoughts about camping I don't think I am cut out for it.  We will be in a cabin and thankfully the temps look like they'll be perfect in the 60's for the daytime.  But I'm not good about sleeping in strange beds and showering in strange showers but we'll see how it goes.  I signed up because I thought it would be a great chance for me and Natalya to have time together.  I have seriously tried to pack light because, really, what do I need?  In my mind I need everything.  :)  Wish me luck.  


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "stacked" as our theme.  It seems that Megan has had some Chinese inspiration with her stacked lanterns.  Her beautiful color pops against my subtle sun-setting light.  I laughed this morning because I caught a glimpse of V's static-y hair up there.  Who's playing Team Up today?  Don't let the snow get ya down.  I hear it's everywhere.  Except here.  :)


My Other Baby

My first born.  Natalya turns 10 in Feb.  Double digits.  I have to say, that's a pretty big deal.  For her and for me.  But I'll talk about that more in February because I've told Natalya that February is her month on the blog.  She was less than excited about.  :)  But I really don't get many pictures of her because she's rarely as willing to pose for me as Vienne is.  I'll take what I can get, like this pic of her doing what she does regularly.  Read.  And her favorite subject- horses.

And what does Rockey do while N is reading?  Sleep.  Frankly she sleeps all the time.  At 11 years old, she's still got lots of pep and craziness but it must wear her out quicker.  And who can resist falling asleep in a warm sun spot?

(BTW, I used a free action on these two.  Get it here.  Oeil Photography is wonderful and so are her actions.)


Nature Boy- Children's Photography, Boerne, TX

Since Christmas is over, I am going to start posting pics from sessions that happened over the holidays.  I like to keep them underwraps until cards and photo gifts have been given out.  Because everyone reads my blog and I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.  ;)


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "black and white" for our theme.  Black and white is always classic and emotive.  Megan's pic on the right is a great example.  I love how she composed the image to have just one of his eyes peeking out.  My girls still take baths together.  Most of the time I appreciate it.  But almost every bath has to consist of "she got me wet" (huh?), or "her foot is on my side", or "she touched my booty", or "she's tooting in the bathtub".  Yea.  Go check out what everyone else has today.