Whatever Wednesday

Evening edition.
- Phrase that I've said a lot of since last Wednesday: "Please come find me! Why do you have to yell to me from across the house?!"
- Some card games that the girls are loving right now: Match of the Penguins, Wig Out, and Monster Maker. They all state ages 6 and up and were all a little difficult for Vienne the first time around. But she got the hang of them quickly. They are all quick playing card games that we can get a few of in before bed. And they really are so fun.
- At one point in our day today, the car thermometer read 105 degrees. Enough to melt just about anyone.
- Vienne has been going to circus camp this week so Natalya and I have been having some much needed and wanted "Mommy time", as Natalya calls it. Today, I took Natalya to get her first ever manicure. I picked out a subtle light pinkish color. Natalya chose bright fluorescent green. Our sweet friends Angela and Lynne were having sushi for lunch so Natalya and I joined them. It was Natalya's first time there but we found a roll that she really liked, the Texas Roll. It had roast beef, cream cheese, and cucumber I think. Oh, and it was fried.
- The whole South Carolina governor thing just blows my mind. As much as I say, "I'm not surprised", I just can't help but be a little surprised. How did he think he could get away with it?
- I found this cute, tulle skirt and had to buy it hoping that Vienne will wear it for her party. It was on sale, too.
- My sister is visiting this weekend for V's party. I can't wait to see her, the girls can't wait to see her.
- Just saw this on a Facebook post and had to share the link. It really struck a chord for me being a mom of girls and consciously raising them up to be "integral to the mainstream". Check it out here.
- I always tell Vienne that I want her to stay little. Since her birthday is coming up, I said to her today that she could still have her party, but would she stay four for me? We could have the cake but we could put four candles on it again. She replied, "No. But I can always love you forever like I'm a baby." I knew exactly what she meant.
Reader Comments (4)
It is supposed to get to 90 today, but not as humid. I have been in the 105+ heat and it is not so fun! Hope you stay cool.
V is so sweet, and she will be adorable in that tutu. :)
This 'yelling across' keeps going. I am forever telling my students that yelling across the room at me is unacceptable!
Fluorescent green nails hahahaha. When we had manicures back in January when my sisters were here, Middle Sis picked out a deep red which turned out to be called "I Am Not A Waitress"!!!!!!!!
Lucky you having Sis visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And *aaaaaawwwwwww* on the last comment!
Nadia has just recently started getting into card games, and I LOVE it! I have a hard time with the immaginary play, but games I can do. :) LOL at the Texas Roll - maybe even I could do sushi that way! And, melting right along with you in this heat. SO stinkin' humid.
Thanks for the support, too.
hope your summer is going well! we still need to meet in person! lol