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Entries from August 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009



I totally wish I knew this site existed when I saw the truck in the Walmart parking lot with the 100 "What Would Jesus Do?" bumper stickers and his dog on his dashboard.  I'm on a mission to find him again.  


Whatever Wednesday


Don't we all feel like this sometimes? This pic just cracks me up every time I look at it.

Random for today:

  • Vienne's comment this morning as she was getting dressed: "But no one else will like it." Ugh. I found this most awesomely cute dress on etsy (similar to this one but with a different patch) that is made from recycled men's shirt. Pure genius. I love it. Best of all it's sweet. I guess the problem though is that it's not "pretty", meaning it's not pink, it doesn't have ruffles, there are no sparkles on it. I don't know how this got so out of hand but I am for sure gonna work on it with her. I will get a picture of her in it to show you how sweet it is on.
  • I went to a Gifted and Talented meeting last night for Natalya and learned so much about the development and needs of students in this category. And of course it got me thinking A LOT about the opportunities that I gave Natalya that I might not have given Vienne. I was so much more patient when N was younger, I had more time. Did I teach her more? Did I talk to her more? Did I give her more learning experiences? Did I completely gip V? How much of it is nurture v. nature? Would V have the same intellectual capabilities as N did at V's age if I had done the same things with her? Why do I have to turn something positive into something negative??
  • We so need rain. As you can tell from the grass in the pic above. Everyone's grass looks like that. Or should. Unless your cheating.
  • My friend Erica made a comment on my post yesterday about how Rockey Dog has put up with the girls for many years. It got me thinking that she really has and that maybe the girls being in school all day is a big change for her too. And, boy does she sleep a lot. She is ten so maybe that's what old dogs do and what else can she do? Maybe I have to start taking her out for walks.
  • Has anyone else discovered how great Skinny Cow ice cream bars are?? Amazingly good for being low fat. Especially the Truffle Bars. YUM. And 2 grams of fat.
  • Project Runway! Hope you're watching with me. It's the only reality show I watch and I look forward to it. It's breaking all kinds of Lifetime records cuz everyone loves it. Bravo is probably kicking itself right now for losing it.
  • And more Halloween from etsy, because I can't resist: Awesome idea for baby wings and a sling, these are still available and I can't believe no one has snatched them up yet, the price is a little high for these but I am looking forward to The Wild Thing movie and we all have wild things at home.  

OK, that's it for me this morn.  I'm off to tennis then back home to knock out some editing.  Happy Wednesday.


Back to School


Apples for the teachers.  This LOVE this picture not because it has my sweet girls in it but because if you look closely you can see Vienne's blanket.  She's a big kinder girl now but she's not willing to give up the blanket yet.  It stayed in the car.

Big kinder girl.  And an even bigger back pack.

Wow, it's me!  So glad for the teacher that got me in one.

So yesterday was the much anticipated first day of school.  We now have a kindergartener and a 3rd grader.  It was a nerve racking day.  Not for Natalya.  I've mentioned before that Natalya always has it under control.  Not much phases her, she's happy with the way it is, and she ♥s school.  I feel bad sometimes that I neglect to give her a little attention because I know it's all good for her.  Today as I walked her up to the school entrance, I said, "You know where the gym is.  I love you."  The guilt.  I know she didn't think twice about it but I could have walked with her, it wasn't far.  It was a little nerve racking for Vienne.  Vienne is just, hmmm, happy at home.  School is just an inconvenience that forces her to get up too early.  She did really well yesterday and I was so glad to see smiles when she got off the bus.  Really happy since I walked her to her room in the morning and left quickly because I feared tears.  Not me, her.  It took V months to get used to preschool and to have a day with no tears at drop off.  I keep hoping it'll be different this year.  'Cause she's the big kindergartener.

My tears did come, later when I realized that I have no more babies at home.  Elementary school seems so permanent.  Preschool was just a place to go a few days a week and if you missed, no one minded as long as you kept paying.  But not any more.  They keep tabs.  They call if you aren't there.  They send notes when you are really not there.  Permanent.  Elementary school has peer pressure, it has monkey bars, it has the flu virus.  And I'm home.  Waiting for the phone to ring.  It'll be the school nurse saying something has happened.  Hopefully the nurse will give a grace period and won't shock with something awful for a few weeks.  It's only fair.  Give me time to settle in to this new way of life.  Life at home, at the computer, with no one around but the dog.  Who is staring at me from her bed.  It's just me and the dog now.  I miss my girls.  



So I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.  Just right now.  Not until now, right now.  I just went in to kiss the girls, they are sleeping like angels.  But tomorrow marks a huge moment when I will have both girls in elementary school.  It seems like yesterday this whole big dream started and now they'll both be gone.  I know, I'm not sending them to boot camp, but it does feel that way.  I see Vienne sleeping all crooked like she always does and MAN, when did she get so BIG?!  Natalya, she's always so grounded, nothing every phases her, it's always all good.  My heart is breaking a little but I know this is just one tiny step in their lives that will lead them to greatness.  


Monday Monday

We are actually in a draught and we're not supposed to do this but the girls really wanted to play in the sprinkler.  We've been great at conserving water though.  So that's how I justified it.  The girls actually didn't want to do it for very long saying that the water "was freezing".  

Shooting silhouettes is actually not as hard as I thought it would be.  You do have to put your camera on manual though.  This is My Best Shot for today.  Many more to see.

This is the last week of vacation before school starts.  I can't believe how fast it went.  No real plans but to just enjoy the calm before the storm.