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Entries from July 1, 2009 - July 31, 2009


Baby Gage- Newborn Photography Boerne, TX



Baby Gage was about 1 1/2 weeks old here.  He was born a week early but turned out to be absolutely perfect.  Momma said that he was a great sleeper and hardly cried.  But Gage musta heard her say that and wanted to prove her wrong.  He hardly slept for five minutes while I was there. 


Hawaii Again


Are these happy faces or what?


Whatever Wednesday

I think this is how we are all feeling after our big trip.  We got home on Sunday afternnoon.  The girls went to bed fairly early.  I had to wake Natalya up at 11:00 on Monday because I worried that she was sick.  She never sleeps late.  Turns out she was just really tired.

I'm still going through photos and actually still have two sessions that I need to finish before I get to my personal ones.  But while we were in Hawaii I really tried not to be attached to my camera.  I tried to relax and not think about what I was missing not holding my camera.  I think we all do that.  If I don't get in on "film" then how can I remember it?  I tried to take a few then put my camera away.  I think I did pretty good and still came home with too many to count.  Of course, now that I'm home I really do wish that I had taken some more of this and that.  It would be a hard habit to break.  But I didn't miss a thing.  I actually lived it and so far I'm remembering everything pretty clearly.  The girls will remind me of the rest.



We are back from our trip to paradise.  We had such a great time.  We traveled with another family (love you dearly).  All of the 5 kids just did fantastically.  I think it definitely made the trip so much more fun for the girls and made all of the shuttle rides and long plane ride (8 hours) easier on them.  8 days was great but we definitely need a few more days to pack in everything that was on my wish list of things to see.  That just means that we'll have to go back.  We did get to experience Pearl Harbor, swimming with dolphins, two luaus, the Polynesian cultural center, a broken down tour bus on the highway at night, beautiful sunsets, not 100 degree Texas heat, and tons of great memories for our girls.  Couldn't ask for more.

I'm sharing these pics as My Best Shots for today.  I will post more soon.  After I put away four loads of laundry.  And clean the house.  I'm really convinced that someone was living here while we were gone.  It's a mess here.



Not really looking forward to the weekend, but I am having a nice Friday.  Nothing special going on but go to do some relaxing.  Anything new with you?