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Created using designs by Michelle Coleman, Nancy Comelab, Amy Martin, Leora Sanford, Amber Clegg & Nancy Rowe-Janitz with ownership/permission
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Entries from July 1, 2010 - July 31, 2010



The last time I photographed this family, the youngest here was barely crawling.

And now, as time would have it, they are big and so handsome!


While we were together, Mom and I talked a lot about family dynamics and the amazing subject of birth order.  I think I've mentioned before how fascinated I am with birth order.  It seems that her boys (as my girls) are classic subjects.  Amazing.  They are such a sweet family.

Speaking of family, the talented and sweet Puna at Life Signatures is hosting a giveaway for a canvas from Hello Canvas.  If you submit a photo of your family, you could win a 16x20 canvas.  Go and check out the deets and share a link to your family pic on her post.  Not here, go there.

Speaking of family again, ours will be taking our first real family road trip soon.  By real I mean long.  By long I mean almost 7 hours.  By 7 hours I mean painful.  Wish us luck.


Team Up Thursday


Happy Team Up Thursday.  This week Megan and I chose "door" as a theme.  She is on the left and I am on the right.  I was lucky that I took some pics of V earlier this week when she lost her tooth and lucky for me that some were in the doorway cuz that's the only time I photo-ed anything this week.  But ain't she cute?  I think my photo fits perfectly with Megan's bright red close up.  I've always loved red doors.  Come see the others and join us.  


Britney Class of 2011- Senior Photography San Antonio, TX

This is the lovely adorable Britney.  She goes to Lady Bird Johnson High School in San Antonio, Texas and is one of my senior reps for the Class of 2011.  She was kinda shy but look how beautiful she is.


Weird story though- Her mom and I have known each other since we were way little.  Gosh, since 1980 I think??  Both of our families lived on a military base in Mississippi.  As the military goes, we moved and lost touch.  But through the wonders of Facebook, reunited!  


Welcome, Tooth Fairy

Dear, Tooth Fairy, 

We have been waiting for you forEVER.  V watched all of her friends lose teeth and asked a million times when it would be her turn.  She wiggled and wiggled and finally asked Daddy to pull it out yesterday.  Without a single whimper, it finally came out.  She couldn't wait to see what you'd leave her.  She was so very pleased with the $5.  Thanks from the 6 year old.  She hopes to have you visit again very soon.  

Love, us



The lemonade stand was a great success and the girls really had a great time.  Of course, I wish I could thank again EVERYone who came out and bought lemonade and cookies.  There were so many generous people including our dear friends, the friend that wasn't able to come out but still donated, and the worker fella in the dump truck who bought one cup of lemonade for a great amount of money.  The girls are able to give to their charity of choice, the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation center, $100.

Daddy made the lemonade stand and we decorated it.

We made two 2 gallon jugs of lemonade.  At the end of the first day the girls still had a full 2 gallon jug left so I let them sell for one more day.  It really was worth all the preparation that we went through.