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Entries from November 1, 2008 - November 30, 2008



I think we all as parents wish that our children wouldn't grow up so fast.  We have to buy shoes way too often because what used to be tiny feet are now stinky big feet.  We go through challenges and battles about what is appropriate at this age regarding movies, music, tv shows.  We have discussions about setting limits and we try to convince our 4 going on 13 year old about why we make the decisions we make.  I just want the girls to stay young, sweet, and naive.  NAIVE.

Lately Natalya is just been growing way beyond her years.  I am really not surpised because it's in her being.  She is incredibly bright and very aware, and, well, I am just dumbfounded sometimes listening to her talk.  Today she came home and started her homework as usual.  As I get into the coming home chaos, she turns to me and says, "Momma, some kids at school say that 'ass' is a bad word."  Off course, I tilt my head and look at her.  Then I say, "Well, what do you think it means?"  And she says, "Well, it's a part of 'class' and 'glass'."  As my heart swells, I go to her and hug her and kiss her forhead and say, "I am so glad that it took you this long to have to hear this."  I really would have wanted it to be longer but considering that other kids already knew, I'd say she did pretty well.  I go on to tell her the various meanings and say that it's not appropriate in most situations.  She is good with that. 

It keeps running through my head and I wait for the next one to come up.  I know, she would have learned it at some point but I sorta feel like those kids have taken away a part of her innocence.  I can not protect her 100% of the time but I hope she always thinks of me during times like these.  My baby, she's just growing up.

OK, in other sweetness fronts... I got to see my sweet friend Kristin today.  She is a light and hugs with all her heart.  I felt it today.  Kristin is having her third baby and is one rockin' momma. 


Kristin and her hub make beautiful children.  Can't wait to meet number 3.


Oh No She Didn't!

Oh yes we did.  We put our tree up.  Trees.  This is the one in the girls play room.  They decorated it themselves so it's really bottom heavy.  But fab.  We have another in the living room that's not decorated yet but will be this week.  They just couldn't wait so I said why not.  Check that off the list. 

I spent last week with a good five day long headache.  It's not unusual, very annoying, hard to work.  But I'm feeling better and ready to get back to life.  I took the girls' picture for our Christmas card.  I love it.  Can't wait to show it to you.  I'm finishing up the last of the Christmas sessions and hopefully will be done with them by this weekend.  Please hold me to that cuz I really do want to be done with them soon. 

Later gaters.  Happy Monday.


Rockin' Momma

I did a family sessin for Jennifer but she also wanted a few pics of herself with her guitar.  She takes lessons at home once a week when the kids are in bed.  Is she not rockin'?  She will also be rockin' the Rock n Roll Marathon this weekend.  The mom of all trades.  I do have some more of her closer up but I thought this one should be her album cover.  She doesn't have an album planned but you never know.  Jen can do it all.


Happy Veteran's Day

My hub is celebrating his veterans-ness by taking the day off and taking me to have sushi for lunch.  Now that's the way to celebrate.


Miss Lola

You know, I never expect a session to be easy.  I usually expect something to be challenging.  Most of the time it turns out OK though.  But this session was the exception.  Miss Lola.  Remember her face because she may just grace the cover of magazines one day.  She was so natural in front of the camera. 



This kiss face was all her.  Would you have guessed that she is four years old?  Cutie cutie.