Whatever Wednesday

- Phrase that I've said a lot since last Wednesday: "Please don't find me. I'll be back over there in a minute." Why is it that they have to follow me everywhere I go?
- Still working on the circus/acrobat party. I've got lots of games lined up and ordered some banners (or buntings) from etsy for decoration. Any other cool circus decoration ideas out there?
- Speaking of parties- One of these days, I am going to have a miscellaneous-whatever-everything under the sun-mismatched-every theme you can think of party. Because I have something from every party the girls have had over the years- cowboys plates and hats, hula leis, pirate silver forks, unicorn napkins, princess necklaces- stuffed into about three tubs. And they are in my craft room now waiting to find a new resting spot. The child that agrees to it will be rewarded.
- Speaking of circus- Vienne is going to Circus Camp next week at her gymnastics place. Big coincidence that it's happening the week of her party. Couldn't have been better timing.
- Natalya is starting speech therapy this week at a private office. She had been taking it during the school year at school for free but I don't know that I've seen much of a difference. The new therapist says that the only issue she has is "R" and that it should be easy to fix. Then why wasn't it fixed during the year for free? Anyway, she's entering the 3rd grade and I thought, for social reasons mostly, that we nip it in the bud. She is excelling tremendously regardless. We just got the letter yesterday that she passed her Gifted and Talented test and will enter the GT program next year. Proud Momma over here.
- Vienne asked me the other day what a "boyfriend" was. I said, "Well, it's a friend who is a boy." V's response, "Oh, I thought it was a boy who said 'I love you and I want to marry you.'" Natalya never freaked me out with questions like that.
- The girls are getting hair cuts. Their hair is soooooooooooooo long that I just can't take the combing out the knots anymore. It's always such a dramatic event. We won't cut it short but at least 4 inches off of both heads.
- Natalya had a great time at horse camp last week. They spent two days riding at the river and even got to take some of the horses in the water.
Natalya on her new favorite horse, Reggie.
- We had such a great day yesterday. We did some workbooks and flash cards, started on Daddy's Father's Day card (which is so cute, by the way), we cleaned out the playroom some more and filled up a nice size box for donation, we practiced juggling outside. All before noon and all because one of our appointments got cancelled. When that appointment got cancelled, I cancelled the other two and we stayed home until Natalya's riding lesson. Nice.
Happy Wednesday!
Reader Comments (6)
Wise move... canceling those appointments!
your daughter looks very serious and completely in control on this horse "Reggie" ...She is so fortunate to learn to ride so young. Great shot of the horse.
Loved that you cancelled all your appts....
Proud Mama, indeed! Good work, N! And V. just cracks me up. If she and our Addie are not two peas in a pod. Constantly flooring me with something I NEVER dealt with the first time around!
Your morning sounded like perfection - I'm glad you canceled and stayed in...sometimes we all just need that!
you practiced juggling? you're putting other moms to shame by putting this in the regular summer activity lineup. :)
Congratulations Natalya. What an achievement! GT Program! The kids seem to have a wealth of wonderful camps to go on. I don't remember anything like that when I was growing up. The Circus Party sounds like a sure fire hit. Can't wait to hear more about it.
Oh and good luck with that little V and her sophisticated questions!!!!! Funny! :-)
Wow, you've been busy! Love the shot of Reggie and Natalya. Good luck on the cuts...I had to bit the bullet a bit earlier. I just couldn't handle the after bath hysterics of trying to get the hair combed. Not so fun.