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Entries from March 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "food".  Megan is on the top and I am on the bottom.  I love the processing she did on her raspberries.  She really made them look like a painting.  My photo is of my grocery list.  I have to say that I hate grocery shopping.  Loathe it.  At one time I loved it because I thought of it as peaceful.  But now it's an awful chore that is never ending.  Do it one week and then "Bam!"  It comes back again the next week.  One thing that makes it sweeter is that Natalya makes these little doodles on my grocery list.  Do you see 'em?  She drew a horse at the top and wrote me a message.  I find the little messages on my list every week and I love them.  As much as I hate going to the grocery store, Natalya reminds me why I go.  ♥  Have a great Thursday!


Team Up Thursday

Today at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I are celebrating "Spring".  Apparently, many a state in our great country is still shoveling out the Winter.  But, here in S. Texas we are hitting Spring hard with 86 degree temps!  Yes, yesterday was hot.  And the girls swam.  I won't get in the pool yet because the water is only 74 degrees and that is too cold for me.  We are also celebrating Spring with Spring sports.  Natalya is still loving softball, the quintessential Spring sport.  Who else is ready for Spring?



I forgot that I never posted these pics of the rodeo.  The rodeo happens every year in February in San Antonio.  Mostly we go to walk the grounds and go to the carnival.  It's become a tradition of sorts.

I fear that this ↓ is probably the worst ride to be on at the rodeo.  Yikes.

Have a great Wednesday!


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "everyday beauty" for out theme.  I love those Megan's smooth river rocks.  The girls and I love to paint them and put them around the house.  I choose Natalya because she is my plain Jane, all natural girl.  She never wants anything fancy, frilly, or fussy.  She's all natural, all the time.

This might be bragging but I got my first sunburn of the year yesterday while playing tennis.  I love it!  Not the sunburn but the thought that Summer is coming!  And for us lucky ones in S. Texas it'll be here soon.  I can't wait.