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Entries from October 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010


Smile for the Camera- Family Photography, Boerne, TX

My recent favorite.  This whole session was so fun, will share it soon.

Have a great Halloween weekend.  I can't wait to show you Natalya's Halloween costume.  If you know her, you won't be surprised when you see it.  Any guesses what she's dressing up as?


Team Up Thursday


This week for Team Up Thursday, Megan and I decided on "calm".  Megan on the top and me on the bottom.  Megan says that this is her room.  I actually thought it was a hotel room!  Looks so peaceful there.  Sunsets are so calming to me.  There was no wind when I took this picture.  And it was quiet.  Until a Barbie four wheeler almost hit me in the leg.  Eh, it was great while it lasted.  

Speaking of calm, all of our after school activities got cancelled yesterday.  We didn't rush to get our homework done.  We didn't scarf down our dinner.  We didn't hurry to pack our bags and fill our water bottles.  We didn't hurry home to get in the bath.  And we didn't hurry to get in our beds before 9:00.  Calm.  I guess it really is possible if I allow it.  


Team Up Thursday


This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose the theme "bubble".  I thought Megan's pic was of Owen blowing bubbles before his bad spill at the playground.  But apparently he can still blow bubbles with a broken arm (poor little guy).  I kinda like my bubble shot.  The sun was setting hence the orange glow.  Hope you're playing.  Don't forget the Team Up Thursday Flickr pool.

Speaking of breaking bones, Vienne had a little demonstration in her gymnastics class on Monday.  

She did not break a bone but why is it that I just can't put that idea out of my head while watching her?  Seriously, sweaty palms, stiff neck.  For me I mean.  I think it's because she loves it so much and that she idolizes the older kids.  She just wants to skip all the "easy" stuff and get to the "fun" stuff.  I'm terrified that she is gonna try something that she's not ready for and get hurt.  But I guess that's what separates the kid from the old dog.  The fearless naivete that helps them get to that next level where all the fun must be. I wish I could be a kid again.


Happy Monday


Hope your week is full of happy.


For Him


A preview for Steph who wanted some photos to send to her hubby who is stationed over seas.  I think he might likey.