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Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


Holiday Sessions


If Hobby Lobby can put Christmas out there so can I.  Just wanted to let everyone know that I do have just a small number of dates left before I break for the holidays.  I do have a Holiday Mini Session special right now.  30 minutes of your time will get you a great image for your holiday cards.  Email me at info at rockinAphotography.com if you want more info.  


Whatever Wednesday

Hump Day again.  

  • It got cold here in South Texas.  A balmy 60 degrees cold.  And yep that's cold for these parts for this time of year.  
  • It's also been rainy.  We didn't get rain all Summer and lately it's been falling in buckets.  But if you planned ahead you installed your rain barrels to catch the rain that falls of your roof.  We have two rain barrels and they are both completely full.  
  • I think I would be entering a whole other realm if I starting ordering food from etsy but look at these yummy yummies.  I just love all things pumpkin.  I wanna buy one of everything from her shop.  Maybe it's the cold weather but I was this close to clicking buy.
  • I had lunch with Vienne yesterday at school.  She cried.  Sigh.
  • I found out this week that the 3rd graders teacher rewards the kiddos with m&ms, candy bars, and soda.  Hmmm.  I will be discussing that with the teacher at our parent conference on Friday.  How could any kid say no to candy bars?
  • Two of the best iphone apps that I discovered this week are Best Camera and Shake It Photo.  Worth the few bucks you have to pay for each.  Gotta say that they are almost as good as carrying your point and shoot.  
  • I love Fall.  I even have a cute new sweater to wear.  But Fall to me means we are heading straight into allergy season.  Yuck.
  • I found out that there is a farmer's market not too far away.  I'm hoping to go this Saturday.  We have one in our small town but it usually only has three stands.  We live in a really small town.


  •  This is called a spigot and not a spicket.  But you smarty pants probably already knew that. 


  •   Some interesting facts about rain barrels:

   Rain barrels can save approximately 1,300 gallons of water during peak summer months.  The roof on a typical house can capture approximately 26417.2 gallons of water a year.  Rain water is chlorine free.  You can buy rain barrels already made to be rain barrels.  Or you can do what we did- we bought old wine barrels and converted them.  You can use the rain water that you harvested to water gardens, plants, and if you are hard core you can bring the water inside for other household chores.  Easy to install.  I mean, so I hear.  The Hubs is very handy.

OK, I'm off.  Does anyone else get anxious when the house is totally empty and the tv is off?  I can't relax.


Roller Coaster

I don't like them.  I won't ride them.  Not even the kiddie rides.  Hardly ever even will get on the log ride that splashes into water.  If the girls want to ride they have to ride with Daddy.  I don't like the feeling and can't imagine how anyone can find them thrilling.  That's just me. 

These last few weeks have been like a mini roller coaster ride for me.  Emotionally.  Because my little kinder girl has been having trouble starting school.  Again.  I was really hoping this would be her year.  Some days she leaves the house crying, some days she cries in the car, some days we have to move her into school crying.  Some days she starts off fine that then cries right when we get to the school door.  I hate it.  My day is sad knowing that she started off that way.  But when I pick her up, she's fine.  She talks about school, she talks about chasing the boys at recess (oh, boy), she talks about helping the teacher.  Her teacher is fantastic will surely get the Teacher of the Year award for dealing with V AND another little girl who cries.  So I start the day sad, worrying about her all day long, then see that she's fine.  I was starting to wonder how long she could keep this up.  Then a few days ago, she got home and said, "Momma, I was thinking on the bus, that maybe, just for one day tomorrow... I could stay home."  Ugh, it's gonna be a long year.  Any ideas, suggestions?  I'll try anything.  I've tried rewarding her with a treat at the end of the day when she doesn't cry but that worked maybe twice.

And a picture of my big girl, cuz she rarely gets in front of the camera anymore.


Welcome, Max- Maternity/Newborn Photography Boerne, TX


Dawn just had her third boy. 

Baby Max was born yesterday on 9-9-09.  Didn't even know that date was significant until Dawn told me.  Congrats, Dawn and Shaun.  One more boy can't be much different than two boys.  Can it?