I don't like them. I won't ride them. Not even the kiddie rides. Hardly ever even will get on the log ride that splashes into water. If the girls want to ride they have to ride with Daddy. I don't like the feeling and can't imagine how anyone can find them thrilling. That's just me.
These last few weeks have been like a mini roller coaster ride for me. Emotionally. Because my little kinder girl has been having trouble starting school. Again. I was really hoping this would be her year. Some days she leaves the house crying, some days she cries in the car, some days we have to move her into school crying. Some days she starts off fine that then cries right when we get to the school door. I hate it. My day is sad knowing that she started off that way. But when I pick her up, she's fine. She talks about school, she talks about chasing the boys at recess (oh, boy), she talks about helping the teacher. Her teacher is fantastic will surely get the Teacher of the Year award for dealing with V AND another little girl who cries. So I start the day sad, worrying about her all day long, then see that she's fine. I was starting to wonder how long she could keep this up. Then a few days ago, she got home and said, "Momma, I was thinking on the bus, that maybe, just for one day tomorrow... I could stay home." Ugh, it's gonna be a long year. Any ideas, suggestions? I'll try anything. I've tried rewarding her with a treat at the end of the day when she doesn't cry but that worked maybe twice.
And a picture of my big girl, cuz she rarely gets in front of the camera anymore.