Whatever Wednesday

Technically it's still Wednesday, although it's late and I'm tired:
- So Summer is not relaxing this week. Somehow I looked at my calendar and thought this week would be good for booking two camps. I would never intentionally do that. Just too much driving around. So, Vienne and Natalya started art camp on Monday but Natala left art camp today for horse camp through Saturday. Vienne will continue art camp through Friday.
- I've been thinking a lot lately about quotes because I want to get some vinyl quotes to put on the girls' walls. I've been trying to come up with strong, meaningful quotes. Quotes that inspire. One that comes to mind is "To thine ownself be true." When that quote came to mind, I really thought about how I try to teach the girls to really live by that. I really want them to be strong, willful, independent women.
- Not sure why that last whatever came out but I really have been thinking about it a LOT lately.
- In a few weeks my baby will be five. We (meaning I) are planning a circus party cuz Vienne still loves acrobats. I couldn't figure out how to just do an acrobat party so it will be a circus party with a clown.
- Random cute from etsy. It just amazes me how creative people can be.
- The other day the girls started collecting sticks to play with then became interested in birds' nests. I told them I would find out how to make one. Here is what I found: bird's nest out of paper bags, nest from clay and things, and a more complicated version but very pretty. And you can't have nests without paper birds.
- We finally hung curtains up in two rooms yesterday. What a difference curtains make in a room. So homey and warm now.
- My craft room organization project is under way. I have shelves coming soon. The process of cleaning it out involves making more of a mess it seems but I have made a dent. I've also realized that organization involves lots of letting go. I seem to find an emotional attachment to too many things. And if anyone sees me buying any gift bags or tissue paper please slap me. I've collected sooooo much of it that I am leaving it to someone in my will. Any occasion, color, gender, texture, material, I've got it.
Ok, I'm out. It's way too late cuz Conan's on. But boy do I like that Conan is on earlier. I can actually watch a little bit of it now.
Reader Comments (3)
hope you'll post pics when the craft room project is complete...even if you do have to give away some emotionally-attached wrapping paper :).
Can't wait to see your craft room! The vinyl letters sound like a great addition to the girls' rooms, too. I like that quote...it's a good one.
Oh, and you do know you can TIVO/DVR shows, right? ;) Hubby DVR's Craig Fergusen since that is on wayyyyy late, too.
I love that Conan is on earlier too. I cant wait for you wed. posts - i for one, love them. count us in for the b-day party...just Jackson and I. That is great that you have a craft room to fix up, I just have our bed to shove stuff under.