Big News

How's that for suspense? Don't be let down, it really was cool for Natalya. Now she is...
... An earring wearing 7 year old!! She had been waiting for this for so long. It just hadn't been the right time. Then I found out that our pediatrician pierces ears at the office. It just seemed like the right time so I agreed. Natalya woke up excited. She brought her favorite horse to comfort herself. Two nurses did it at the same time which probably wouldn't have happened at the mall. She was so brave and only cried for a minute after. I kept asking her for the rest of the day if it was hurting at all but she said, "No." She looked in the mirror so many times today. My sweet girl. It's amazing how different she looks to me. We asked Vienne if she wanted to get her ears pierced (I would not have allowed it) and she said emphatically, "I don't want to!"