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Entries from May 1, 2008 - May 31, 2008


Big News

How's that for suspense?  Don't be let down, it really was cool for Natalya.  Now she is... 


... An earring wearing 7 year old!!  She had been waiting for this for so long.  It just hadn't been the right time.  Then I found out that our pediatrician pierces ears at the office.  It just seemed like the right time so I agreed.  Natalya woke up excited.  She brought her favorite horse to comfort herself.  Two nurses did it at the same time which probably wouldn't have happened at the mall.  She was so brave and only cried for a minute after.  I kept asking her for the rest of the day if it was hurting at all but she said, "No."  She looked in the mirror so many times today.  My sweet girl.  It's amazing how different she looks to me.  We asked Vienne if she wanted to get her ears pierced (I would not have allowed it) and she said emphatically, "I don't want to!"



We are officially on Summer break.   Both girls finished a great year.  Natalya had a fantastic year and Vienne braved some great hurdles and ended the year wonderfully, too. 
We have some excitement today.  In Natalya's world anyway.  Something cool is happening for her.  At the end of the day I will either have a good story to tell or a tragic story to tell.  Let's hope for the good one.

A Flower for You

Well it turns out that my computer needs a new hard drive.  Yuck.  If I weren't backing up I'd be crying right now.  Although I still worry that something along the way didn't get backed up and will be lost.  Only time will tell.  The computer is only about 3 years old.  That can't possibly be old in computer years, can it?  I'm not one that needs to be on top of all the latest technological advances so a 3 year old computer is fine with me as long as it's fine. I caved and downloaded Photoshop onto my notebook.  It it protesting the hard work I am putting it through but I have so many pictures waiting for attention. 
The theme at Stacy's today is Flower.  Last weekend we found this flower on the side of our house.  The young scientist ran to get the Texas wildflower book and looked it up.  It's a Green Milkweed.  Very lovely wildflower that can be found throughout the country. 
And the young scientist. 
 I love that she loves to learn.  Something interests her and she wants to know more.  Today is her last day of school.  She is actually disappointed that school is ending.  I'm glad that I don't have to pack school lunches for awhile. 

Happy Memorial Day

Howdy, folks.  I'm cowering in the corner suffering from computer withdrawals.  My not so trusty Apple took a trip to the er again for some exploratory surgery.  I'm hoping the prognosis is good but for some reason it didn't want to turn on.  I have so many pictures to upload but this little laptop that I'm on now just can't handle the pressure.  So, I wait for the call from the Apple geniuses that my little friend is up and running again and just needed an iv of fluids to bring it back from beyond. 

On a completely unrelated note... Has reality tv really gone to the dogs?  I watch a few reality shows but I was just surprised the other day when I saw the latest.  My girls love Animal Planet.  We watch it regularly.  But their latest is a reality show about competing dog groomers who live together while taping the show.  Dog groomers.  Come on now.  Please don't comment that you watch it.  I may just have to judge you.  Not really.  Yea, I would. 

Have a great holiday.  Hope you're bbq-ing and drinking a margarita tomorrow.




Monday again?  It's seems like we just had a Monday.  We had a great weekend.  On Friday night, we made smores (or shmores as I can't seem to stop calling them) with our friends.   On Saturday, the HipHub and I celebrated our 11th anniversary.  Happy Anniversary, Honey!  The girls spent the day with the Grands and we had sushi (or shushi as I can't seem to stop calling it) for lunch.  On Sunday, we spent the day at Sea World.  It was a great day to be out with the temp at about 91 degrees.  We told the girls that we were not going to the water park but regretted it once we got there. 

Today I will be once again wait to see if the crew comes out to finish up the things that lay waiting to be completed on the house.  We've been in the house since the end of March and there are things that still need to be done.  I've been wanting to post pictures of our lovely abode but I really want it to be done first.  And again I will sit and wait wondering if they will show up and in the end be disappointed because they won't show.  Fun plans pushed aside, just waiting.   I've been patient.  But really. 

This is My Best Shot for today.   But don't wait, just go.