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Entries from November 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007


What's Up?

So yesterday I had a day at home while the girls were at school. I have to sew princess costumes for them. We're going to Disney World in a few weeks (yay!) It's sorta the thing for the girls to dress up like a princess while dining with THE princess. Somehow it came outta my mouth that I would make them costumes. Anyway, I'm home, I get all my instruments out, clear some of the stuff from the table, and... I can't find my scissors. My good ones. I spend over an hour looking before I decide that for some reason they are lost and I must work. I try the everyday scissors and then decide this ain't happenin' so I have to go buy new scissors. But guess what I find when I pick Natalya up from school? In the back seat of the car at Natalya's feet. How they ended up there, I will never know. But I did end up buying the springy scissors the retract for you. Now I'm cooking with gas. I'll post pictures of the final creations when I'm done.

Hey, for all you greenies out there, look what I found on Etsy as I'm doing a search for "cuff", you know the wrist kind. The wonderful things people think up:

$5.00! Reusable, washable, and funky fun. And she recommened gifting it with a bag of coffee beans. Neato.
Edit: Apparently this one is sold out but she does have other fabric options. Browse through her store.

And does anyone else have a child who makes you pick out their wedgies?



Pic of the Day

Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday. What's up with that?

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'Tis the Season

Can we officially celebrate now without everyone going, "Oh, it's too early." We put our tree up last week. It just goes by way to fast. So, to those of you on on my Christmas card list, this is what you will get in the mail. Hopefully it looks just as great on paper. Lookey what I put together:

We took the girls to a creek and let them play. They had a blast. Here's a behind the scenes shot. I call it "The Croc Hunter":

I think this happened a couple of times. What a sport Daddy was. Oh, that's a pink Croc gettin' away in case you missed that.

And because I just LOVE this shot of some very adorable girls, friends of a friend. If you don't just say "Aw" then you are the Grinch.

Meet the beautiful Avery and Adelyn. Click to truly enjoy their cuteness. You should have seen how they totally destroyed those lollies about 20 minutes after they started them. Slammed them into the sidewalk. Just to see what would happen. A riot.

'Tis the season. Enjoy every moment.

My Best Shot? Hmm, what do you think? Now, off to Picture This while you ponder.

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Colleen, Your a Genius!

Now how come no one told me this secret before Colleen? She gets my cyber plate of Christmas cookies. Thanks! Now every picture is going to be humongous.

Oh Christmas Tree

We put our tree up last Monday and then decorated it on Wednesday. It turns out that we only have two boxes of ornaments here with us while the rest of the decorations sit in storage. I guess we figured that we could do without most of it for one year but the girls are remembering some stuff that we just didn't bring. They made the tree look beautiful. Even though there is a very heavy spot of ornaments in the front at the bottom. I love it so much I won't change it. It has their finger prints all over it.

(Do any of you smarties out there know how to make the pictures larger in Blogger? I mean larger than the "large" picture option they have.)
