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Entries from April 1, 2008 - April 30, 2008



It's Fiesta time here in San Antonio.  So yesterday we took the girls downtown for our annual Fiesta fun.  We have been going to the Southwest School of Art and Craft Fiesta Arts Fair for several years now.   They have a wonderful children's section in the back with lots of crafts.  It's been a great way for us to enjoy Fiesta with the HipChicks. 
Senorita V. 

All the more festive if we dress the part. 

Vienne's lunch of choice- a fruit cup. 


Natalya took every craft very seriously.  Vienne finished her craft within about 10 minutes while Natalya took at least 20 minutes.  This is where they made glass mosaic suncatchers.  They also did metal embossing, clay scupting, glass print making.  Wow, all sounds kinda complex, doesn't it?  You have all this week to get downtown and enjoy the fun. 

For more festivites, visit Tracy's Best Shot Monday

 Just a reminder that tomorrow is Earth Day.  What will you do to celebrate?  Maybe you'll go for a walk and pick up trash.  Or maybe you'll plant a flower and talk about conserving natural resources like water.  Or maybe you'll go out and buy a reusable water bottle.  Or maybe you'll go out and play and enjoy our beautiful Earth.  Help our children do our part.




I'm a day late but not necessarily a dollar short.  Yesterday was Theme Thursday at Stacy's and the theme was Spring.  Spring in South Texas is usually great but short.  We get coolish weather to prepare us for the horrendous heat that follows.  While most of the country is still wearing coats and still shoveling snow, we are playing outside and getting our swim suits out.  We are adjusting the a/c and putting sunblock on.  We are watching the sun rise on the porch with a cool breeze and lugging our jackets on our hips by afternoon.  Gotta love Spring, gotta love Spring in Texas. 


I Love...


...The freckle under her left eye.  

 It's Love Thursday at Shutter Sisters.  Go get some love.


Life's Little Adventures

So the other day I had this bright idea to stop by this little church that I love and finally take a picture of it.  It's down the street from our little local bakery so I see it all the time (yes, that means I'm at the bakery all the time.)  It was sort of hazy and still early.  I was thinking about how the sun was burning through and how it will eventually be a lovely day.  So I park my car at the curb, not nicely because I was just going to snap a few shots and go (friends were meeting me soon.)  I turn the car off and think, "I don't want to hold my keys so I'll leave them here on the seat.  No, maybe better to drop them on the floor.  Safer there."  Do you see where this is going?  I drop the keys, get out of the car, and walk for about 5 seconds and hear a beep from the car.  Insert sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach here.  My car doors locked.  It all worked out in the end after about 45 minutes and a lock smith who was probably as old as the little town we live in.  I was hoping that I was not going to have to resuscitate him and open the car by myself.  Anyway, our On Star is now activated, all is good.  It's a new car and now I have to figure out why it happened.  And now the shots that started the whole thing.



That is what I wanted.  This is My Best Shot for today.  And this is what I got while I was waiting for the lock smith... 

Head over to Mother May I for more adventures.  Just take your keys with you.

At One with Nature

Today we spent the whole day out.  It was a long day and the girls were really feeling it in the evening.  But is was so much fun and the weather was nice and a bit cool.  The girls got to see friends and so did we.  

We started off at the Nature Center.  They had some sort of family day event with special things like rock climbing and flower planting.  Usually it's just a nice place to go hiking or picnicking.   


Natalya really surprised us here.  She has a rock climbing wall at school and boasts about it but it was too cool watching her go all the way up and then down again.  By herself.   The girls definitely did not get the brave gene from me.


This is Mindy and Mandy.  They are two mules that were giving cart rides.  Am I strange to think they remind me of Natalya and Vienne?  

After the Nature Center, we grabbed lunch and then headed over to the neighborhood equestrian center.  They had an open house and were offering horse rides. 


V acting like a big girl. 


Natalya impressed us again.  She has loved horses for as long as we can remember.  And every time we come across a pony ride, she has to ride.  So today in the arena, she owned that horse.  She just has a passion.  I hope she runs with it.  Regardless of how terrified I am watching her do it. 

After the equestrian center we went home for dinner and then headed over to the neighborhood pavillion for a neighborhood get together.  The girls ran some more and played until they were dirty.  Natalya has taken to chasing boys in her class.  There happened to be a few there.  It's just innocent play, right?  Someone convince me since I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

 I think I now need a day of rest.