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Entries from April 1, 2008 - April 30, 2008


Girl's Night Out

We had our monthly GNO last night.  This time we went to The Melting Pot.  I have to say that the idea of fondue for appetizers is fine but for dinner... I was a little skeptical.  It turned out to be yummy but it was a lot of thinking with a lot of choices.  I guess the second time you visit it wouldn't be too bad.  Anyway, good times, good times (does anyone watch Hanna Montana?)   




Jodi and Tonja.  Good thing they both had been there before because they were very helpful.  I'm already looking forward to our next GNO.  It's so refreshing to talk to people who don't bring up poop or giant squids.




This is my sweet V.  She's not perfect.  She whines too much (but is getting better), she runs when I say walk, she changes her clothes 12 times a day and leaves the clothes all over the floor (yesterday she wanted to wear her swim suit after school), she has two scrapes on the backs of her legs.   But it's all of the imperfections that make my Hip Chicks all the more perfect.  I'm grateful that she has energy to run, that she sees beauty in herself, that she has the courage to get back up again.  How do you view perfection?

 I'm thinking about entering this.  I love this photographer and would love to learn from her.  She's asking for umbrella photos.  So I got out the nicest umbrella we have and got Vienne a modeling (I just wanna pinch her cheeks).  I don't know yet if I will use this photo.  There may be more umbrella photos coming.


Wanna Share?


Vienne and I just discovered blackberries.  I don't think I had ever had one until two weeks ago.  We could fight over the last one.   


Being a Kid

Took the girls to Sea World yesterday.  It was the most beautiful day.  About 80 degrees, not a cloud in sight.  The water park was open but I thought the water would be too cold to swim.  But the girls still found water and got soaked.  I ended up having to buy them swim suits there.  We always watch the Shamu show but yesterday we even watched the dolphin show that has the acrobats diving into the water.  Vienne stated that she now wants to be an acrobat.  She has had a fascination with acrobats for awhile.  I tried to get tickets to Cirque de Soleil when it was here a couple of weeks ago but I thought about it too long and it sold out.  I was thinking a lot about the $90 a ticket price.  But lucky for us the National Acrobats of Taiwan will be here in May.  I got us tickets.  Vienne will be overjoyed. 




On Saturday, we went to dinner by the river and then visited the ducks.  The girls ran and ran and didn't want to leave.  I had a hard time asking them to leave because they were having so much fun... 


...Being kids.  Remember what that was like?  

This is My Best Shot for today.  Skip over to Mother May I, check out other Best Shots


Pics of the Day

Still working on the house pictures but here's the Little Miss for now.  Sassy as ever, always thinking.  She calls polkadots "poponuts".  I hope no one ever corrects her. 


And something I just can't get enough of... 


 ...Sister love.  Being 3 years apart is definitely difficult on them.  Natalya just wants her independence and Vienne wants to be right by her side.  So when I get this, I melt.  And cry.  And hope that they realize how lucky they are.