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I'm a day late but not necessarily a dollar short.  Yesterday was Theme Thursday at Stacy's and the theme was Spring.  Spring in South Texas is usually great but short.  We get coolish weather to prepare us for the horrendous heat that follows.  While most of the country is still wearing coats and still shoveling snow, we are playing outside and getting our swim suits out.  We are adjusting the a/c and putting sunblock on.  We are watching the sun rise on the porch with a cool breeze and lugging our jackets on our hips by afternoon.  Gotta love Spring, gotta love Spring in Texas. 

Reader Comments (10)

Beautiful shot, Melody! Love the quote, too. You are lucky to have spring now, but I know I sure won't envy you when you have such hot summers. Swimsuit weather is a fair ways off for us yet. ;)

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

What a glorious shot. We aren't quite there yet, but close----73 and sunny today, and things are starting to really pop!

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnna at Hank & Willie

Wow - that is GORGEOUS!!

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

we're having an unseasonably cold spring here, so your picture gives me hope :)!

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermegan

Love the picture. Spring is so very short in Texas but, it just reminds me that the blazing hot Texas summer heat is just around the corner...

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhipmomofboyz

Spring is exactly the same here in Southern CA. But wow - that shot is gorgeous and reminds you to look up - while you can!!

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarrie

stunning.... love that gorgeous sun shining through the tree.

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim

That's beautiful!

sounds alot like spring in Kentucky...only a few weeks earlier :-)

April 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlissa

You are so funny!! I laugh everytime I see a pic you take with the "sunburst" in it...I know it's your favorite!! You're so talented as I've said so many times before

April 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermamazboyz

Very springy my dear. We are having this really weird kind of springy autumn here. The weather has been glorious and balmy. The only thing missing is the haze of green like you have there on your tree. Beautiful shot.

April 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarizaphale

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