Well, you certainly know that while living in Texas you do get some crazy weather. Cold today, hot tamale. Well, it has been beautiful lately, I can feel Summer coming up quickly. Then what craziness do we get today?

That would be hail. Loud, painful, marble-golf ball sized hail. I'm almost afraid to see what kind of damage the Hubs finds on the roof this evening. I would not recommend running out into golf size hail. It hurts.

I saved this bowl of hail in the freezer for the girls. Now I'm so interested in how hail forms. I have a little homework for tonight.
On another note, I made an appointment for Vienne to see an allergist on Monday. Poor sweet baby is just suffering. We've had to give her breathing treatments every night for the past few days. I just don't think that's a fun way to live. I'm really hoping that the allergist will give us some more options. We can't give her any antihistamines until they see her on Monday, I'm guessing they are hoping to do the dreaded skin test on that day. This will be an interesting five days. And a VERY interesting appointment. Did I ever mention that when V was in the hospital for pneumonia in December that the techs had to have extra help holding her down to get blood drawn? Yea, she puts up a good fight when needles are coming her way.