
OK, did ANYONE send a search party? Did you miss me at all? I'm beginning to think that no one appreciates me. Sniff. I'm here and have awaken from the coma. I think a box musta fell on me. Same ol' story, still trying to get it together. But really not doing to bad. Lost contact with the world for a little while while my computer was disassembled. What a strange feeling to not have computer access.
Most of the house is doing OK. The one room that I would like to put together is the craft room. It's still filled with boxes because it became the dumping ground. So today I went to the Container Store to see about some craft storage. As you know if you've ever been into a Container Store, you literally are slammed with plastic as soon as you enter. I almost left. In my attempt to be as green as I possibly can I really try to not but plastic and try really hard to check out the alternatives. So I was pleasantly surprised to find lots of great alternatives. Bamboo, natural cottons, woven baskets made out of recycled newspaper (really). One thing that really caught my attention was a really cool looking bag. But, alas, I thought, it's made out of vinyl. But, after reading the tag I found out that the bag was made out of old Container Store billboard ads. Has anyone else wondered about billboards and their effect on the environment? OK, I'm a geek. I also wonder about all the energy that is wasted keeping the billboards lit 24 hours a day. I digress. Anyway, cool recycled vinyl bag, waterproof, if you are in the market. I couldn't find it online though to show you a picture.
What else... Oh, I started a "reward jar" for the girls. Natalya's a no brainer. She doesn't fuss much past the usual "I don't wanna wash my hair tonight". But Vienne is giving me a little trouble lately. She whines some and has little fits when she doesn't get what she wants. They don't last long and most of the time I can say, "Let me know when you are ready to talk." But I really don't want them to happen at all. Or at least not as much. I am finding that I extrinsically reward V a lot when I rarely did with Natalya at this age. I know that Natalya is a whole different being with a milder personality but I really want to see if I can reward V differently. I really want her to "feel" like she's doing well and can work towards the bigger goal. Is that asking too much? She'll be four in July. I know she's old enough to understand.
Wow, so this is what happens when you don't blog for awhile. I really can't remember the last time I stayed up this late.
I have to say "Muchas Gracias" (that's "thanks" for you gringos out there) to our fab friends Jen and family for cooking up dinner and bringing it over on Saturday night. They grilled up fajitas and brought them over with all the fixens. The girls got to play with their long time friends and we got to have our first visitors at our new house. I hope being closer to you guys means that we get to do more of that. Thank you.
Am I the only one not watching American Idol?
Why am I not sleepy? I think I have to get to bed. My mind is starting to think that I'm cramming for a test. Pictures tomorrow. I dusted off my camera and charged the battery. I ready to get back into the game.