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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010


Team Up Thursday


This week our Team Up Thursday theme was "morning".  Me on the top and Megan on the bottom.  I had visions of photographing something like a sunrise or my morning cup o joe.  But then I saw her face.  V has been sleeping in the playroom on the pull out couch for weeks.  Not sure why because the bed is not very comfortable.  It also gets a little bright in there in the morning.  But whatever.  School starts in 11 days and we've been having the "gotta get on a better sleep schedule before school starts" conversation.  Mostly with Vienne because Natalya wakes to her alarm clock on her own every day.  V, well, she's like a slug.  And, cranky.  She is definitely not a morning person.  Did I mention cranky?  Man, a cranky slug in the morning.  


Team Up Thursday


This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I decided on "up" for our theme.  I'm on the top and Megan is on the bottom.  Doesn't it look like my balloon could be flying up and over Megan's parking garage?  Megan was up top and took the photo looking down.  Cool perspective.  My photo is from our road trip.  We took the girls up to North Texas to see hot air balloons.  More pics of our road trip tomorrow.  Hope your uploading dips today and seeing what others have to show.  

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