Back to the Grind

You send your child to the schoolmaster, but 'tis the schoolboys who educate him. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The girls' traditional apples for the teacher. And, of course, Vienne again has her blanket.
And they're off! The race is on for another school year. The morning wasn't that hectic. They both got up easily (even though V get's up 30 minutes later which was about 6 "five more minutes"). When we dropped V off I could tell that she was apprehensive but was such a trooper. When we picked the girls up Vienne said her day was "awesome". Her word exactly. I'm cautiously optimistic but she's had such a history of crying at drop off that I'm expecting some regression at some point. Who knows, this may be her year. I think I actually said that last year. Anyway, I'll just be happy for today and be grateful that she has this great feeling to take with her on her second day of 1st grade.
Natalya again never disappoints. She is always happy with whatever comes her way. She loves her teacher and loves that she came home with with a filled binder and a schedule. She is so excited because 4th grade rotates for each of the subjects. Wow, she's a real student. And, weirdly enough, the teachers look like real teachers. When we went in for Meet the Teacher Night, I walked into her classroom and was taken aback by how "formal" the teachers were. Standing with their hands clasped. Dressed like teachers (whatever that means in my mind). How they reached their hand out to shake mine instead of offering a hug. The rooms were not so whimsical. Everything surrounding the students was leading those naive 4th graders to that long hall (or haul) towards reality. I know Natalya is prepared. Good golly, I hope Vienne will be.
Reader Comments (11)
love this post, and so on time too! impressive. great pics and im so glad that V's first day was good. I will cross my fingers for many more good days to follow.
Yay!! I'm glad they had a great day. I was wondering if she would cry this morning. My oldest told me today was better than the first day last year! Because he knew so many more people! I was surprised to hear that because he was so excited last year. Just goes to show how they can all be apprehensive and anxious!
i love the apple, so cute. and you, so pretty!
Great pictures. I love the idea that V and Natalya take apples for their teachers. One more year for my oldest to even start school (kindergarten).
The school teachers regularly give hugs instead of shaking hands? Different I guess.
another milestone day! so happy for Vienne to be happy about it. Your words about 4th grade made a little lump rise in MY throat. All these kiddos, they're growing up so beautifully!
Wow. What a great first day all around. LOVE the apples for the teachers - that is so very awesome. And I love that you got a family pic! I want to remember to try to do that tomorrow, too...
awwww...this makes me wish my kids were little again. My little girl is in 9th grade this year so both in high school now. My how the fast the time goes. It's nice to see your entire family!
Another great family photo! I hope the girls have a great year. So far so good?
I am glad that V & N both had a good day. Ours is tomorrow and P can't be more excited. We'll see how it goes...
So glad you havent had to go through the torment of the sad drop off like last year. This just means she is becoming a BIG girl!! :0) Love the family pic. Both girls were beautiful for thier first day of school.
Wow. Year 4 and the whimsy is going? So sad :-( Looking back from the dizzy heights of secondary school I really miss the whimsy of primary. So glad V's first day was awesome.