Back to School

Apples for the teachers. This LOVE this picture not because it has my sweet girls in it but because if you look closely you can see Vienne's blanket. She's a big kinder girl now but she's not willing to give up the blanket yet. It stayed in the car.
Big kinder girl. And an even bigger back pack.
Wow, it's me! So glad for the teacher that got me in one.
So yesterday was the much anticipated first day of school. We now have a kindergartener and a 3rd grader. It was a nerve racking day. Not for Natalya. I've mentioned before that Natalya always has it under control. Not much phases her, she's happy with the way it is, and she ♥s school. I feel bad sometimes that I neglect to give her a little attention because I know it's all good for her. Today as I walked her up to the school entrance, I said, "You know where the gym is. I love you." The guilt. I know she didn't think twice about it but I could have walked with her, it wasn't far. It was a little nerve racking for Vienne. Vienne is just, hmmm, happy at home. School is just an inconvenience that forces her to get up too early. She did really well yesterday and I was so glad to see smiles when she got off the bus. Really happy since I walked her to her room in the morning and left quickly because I feared tears. Not me, her. It took V months to get used to preschool and to have a day with no tears at drop off. I keep hoping it'll be different this year. 'Cause she's the big kindergartener.
My tears did come, later when I realized that I have no more babies at home. Elementary school seems so permanent. Preschool was just a place to go a few days a week and if you missed, no one minded as long as you kept paying. But not any more. They keep tabs. They call if you aren't there. They send notes when you are really not there. Permanent. Elementary school has peer pressure, it has monkey bars, it has the flu virus. And I'm home. Waiting for the phone to ring. It'll be the school nurse saying something has happened. Hopefully the nurse will give a grace period and won't shock with something awful for a few weeks. It's only fair. Give me time to settle in to this new way of life. Life at home, at the computer, with no one around but the dog. Who is staring at me from her bed. It's just me and the dog now. I miss my girls.
Reader Comments (13)
Oh, Mel. I'm all teary eyed just reading this. Mostly because I feel a bit guilty, too. I'm ready for Em to go back to school - SHE is so ready and we all need a little break from each other.
But I know next year, when I have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartner...I'm going to be in the exact same position. Not quite sure what to do with myself. And YES, elementary school does feel so much more permanent than preschool...
I hope V. continues to enjoy school and sees all the possibilities that being a big k-gartner brings!
Such powerful words, Mel! It's funny because for most of my adult life, back-to-school has been only about my husband and I, as teachers. While we have plenty of time until our kids are in school, I'm sure it's going to pass in an instant!
Thanks for sharing this today! Off to grab a tissue!
it was SO great to finally meet you yesterday! call me anytime you want to get together... or just sit together and edit at starbucks-- xoxo
I hear ya! You all looked great!! (It's good to see YOU in a picture! :)
I kinda wonder how I'll be when my youngest starts...sad or celebrating?! And I hate being chained to the school schedule. I read last night in a handout about attendance that we are to make their lives miserable if they're staying home with no real symptoms of being ill. Really? ha!
Welcome to some new found free time. Hope you enjoy it!
LOVE that her blankie is in the picture...sweet baby.
Oh your girls look so sweet. I am glad to hear it was a happy start. That was really special to get a family photo on the first day of school. Lucky you! As I look back at my Megi's first day of school photos I love to remember what they were wearing, especially the shoes, back pack and lunch box. It makes each year so cute and different.
Seems as though V is adjusting and doing great. Every time I see her she's smiling....
Rocky made it through a lot with those girls! It's a good thing you have her to keep you company again! Big hugs to you today, it's hard being the strong mom.
Awww! Your words made me feel all weepy - and I don't even have a kid in school this year!! It really is a big step...but you are an awesome mama and they are awesome girls, so you'll all weather it fine. the girls looks adorable, and the photos are terrific (love the apples!). V's outfit totally rocks!
this post is so sweet, it made me cry. your girls are so lucky to have you!
No really, you WILL laugh at this later :-D
Fantastic shot with the apples and so lovely to see you there looking so glamorous at the school gate! LOVE V's denim waistcoat with the ribbons too. Over here all the kids wear some form of uniform so it's weird to see kids gong off to school all dressed up :-)
Look at them! I love that you got a photo of all of you!
such a sweet post & I can relate in a small way - I looked into preschool for Caden this year, but we couldn't bear the thought of dropping him off 3 days a week just yet! I'm sure you will all adjust to the change after a while, but they will always be your babies!