Roller Coaster

I don't like them. I won't ride them. Not even the kiddie rides. Hardly ever even will get on the log ride that splashes into water. If the girls want to ride they have to ride with Daddy. I don't like the feeling and can't imagine how anyone can find them thrilling. That's just me.
These last few weeks have been like a mini roller coaster ride for me. Emotionally. Because my little kinder girl has been having trouble starting school. Again. I was really hoping this would be her year. Some days she leaves the house crying, some days she cries in the car, some days we have to move her into school crying. Some days she starts off fine that then cries right when we get to the school door. I hate it. My day is sad knowing that she started off that way. But when I pick her up, she's fine. She talks about school, she talks about chasing the boys at recess (oh, boy), she talks about helping the teacher. Her teacher is fantastic will surely get the Teacher of the Year award for dealing with V AND another little girl who cries. So I start the day sad, worrying about her all day long, then see that she's fine. I was starting to wonder how long she could keep this up. Then a few days ago, she got home and said, "Momma, I was thinking on the bus, that maybe, just for one day tomorrow... I could stay home." Ugh, it's gonna be a long year. Any ideas, suggestions? I'll try anything. I've tried rewarding her with a treat at the end of the day when she doesn't cry but that worked maybe twice.
And a picture of my big girl, cuz she rarely gets in front of the camera anymore.
Reader Comments (11)
I love the innocence in her face on this shot. Its like you can look right through her eyes into her soul. Its such a simple picture, put the lighting and her pose is delicious. As far a Vienne.....I so wish I could help you. Ella is such a social butterfly (like her Daddy). She cant wait to get out of my hands and go to school....Although she is only in preschool and only goes 2 days a week for 2.5 hours. Maybe that will change once she starts to go to kindergarten. Hmmm, now Im scared! :0)
I hope it gets better for you. It is so heartbreaking tearing your baby away from you when they dont want to go! Good luck!
Fantastic photo! I know how you must feel. My 3yo cries before preschool every time. And it breaks my heart and I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. But as soon as he gets into the class he hands me his blanket and goes to play! If she's happy when you pick her up chances are she's fine after you drop her off. Have you read the kid's book The Kissing Hand. It's a great book about starting kinder that could help. I also saw a blog post recently where a mom put a family photo into a baggie and taped it into the top side of her son's lunchbox so he could see the photo when he went to lunch. She occasionally changed the photo! These may not work magic but maybe they'll help a little! Good luck.
I had similar issues with my little girl at that age and now she is very well adjusted and started High School with hardly a blink of an eye. I will send you an email with an idea. Great picture. Catches her age and stage perfectly.
Goodness, I don't know what I would do. I don't have any suggestions. Hope it gets better.
I am not a fan of roller coasters either - the literal ones or the emotional ones! That is so hard with poor Vienne, for you and her. I don't know what to suggest...hopefully over time she will get more comfortable with drop-off. Hugs to both of you! Oh, and Natalya - gorgeous and sassy, my goodness!
Love real rollercoasters...hate the emotional ones. I'm sorry to hear that V. is going through this (and you too!). I'm not sure what to try next...but I'm hoping that once she gets into her groove she'll settle down. Sending no tears and happy thoughts your way.
Hang in there Mel!!! She will get through it and so will you. We have lots of kinder criers at my school and we give them so much love and TLC and make them feel special that they are over the tears in no time. She may take a bit longer....some not take it personally...nobody is judging you. I have had so many mommies apologize and be emabarrassed. I hope you are not feeling this are an awesome mommy which is why she wants to be home with you....heck, if you were my cool mom I would want to be home everyday too. Hugs and Love!!!!
oh, i so feel for you. owen was like that for the first two years of preschool. the first year, he would announce to the teacher "i do nothing"...and he wouldn't. he would whine, complain, cry before school. it IS torture, and really made me feel horrible. but other than making sure he got there and leaving immediately (no matter how bad i felt), i just had to wait for him to grow out of it. not that that's helpful or anything. the upside is that he is SO excited and ready for kindy this year, so don't worry, it won't scar her. it might scar you, but hey...
sending good school thoughts your way :).
I wish I knew what to tell you. We only have very occassional meltdowns over here, but overall the kids are so used to a daycare like setting that it doesn't bother them. They seem to transition to things easier, I think. Not that I think daycare is better, Lord knows I would stay home with them if I could. That is just their version of "normal". V just needs to get used to the new "normal" in her life for the next 18+ years. Hopefully she gets better the more comfortable she gets with school. (((hugs)))
Hope things have settled down since you posted this. The only advice I can give is that if you seem anxious about her going she will pick up on that. Like "I am not happy about going to school and mummy seems worried too so there must be something to be worried about..." I know it's easier said than done when your little one is distressed. Keep hanging in there and smiling. And Princess Bishop says.....of course she would rather stay with you when you're such a Hip Momma!!! :-D
As to that N! Look at that pose! Is she workin' that camera or WHAT????????? Gorgeous.
BTW, both your girls have such beautiful, soulful eyes. They just draw a person in.