Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up Thursday, Megan and I chose "old" as our theme. And I have to admit that I almost took a pic of an old camera too! But then Rockey showed and begged me to photo her instead. Rockey is pretty old at 11. She even gets mailers reminding us to schedule her "senior check up" at the vet. But we've been very lucky that she is still so very healthy and could keep up with a puppy most any day. We're hoping that she sticks around for a long while. Don't forget to add your pic to the Flickr pool for more fun.
Just had to update you on the school situation because it makes me so happy. V is doing so well. In the car on the way to school on the second day V said to me, "Momma, don't worry about me. 1st grade is great." It was such a proud moment. She is so tough yet so sensitive that I will still always worry about her.
Reader Comments (12)
Our girl is about 10 1/2 and starting to slow down. Rockey is a sweet looking boy - our Mabel is a rat terrier so same family :) This dippy made me smile. Not only b/c of the cuteness of Rockey but b/c although different it went together in my head. Love it!
We sent Piper off today to K. Hubs said she didn't even look back at him when he was talking to the teacher. So many easy firsts and then this - my first hard one. It is only the beginning right? BTW, Piper took her Lilo doll with her in her backpack b/c it is sort of her blankie and that made me think of V :)
Oh my, your little girl in 1st grade. My heart hurts all over again thinking of my own daughter now in high school! I love this dip. It looks like Rocky is dancing to the music. Love the cocked boom box.
rockey really is such a cutie. it gives me hope for growing old ;).
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love it that you took a picture of your pet too! They really are a special part of the family!
Have a great day!
Rockey may be old, but sure looks great. I love how he is cocking his head. Glad to hear V is having a better year!!
Rocky is the most photogenic old very cute. Makes me want a Jack Russell.
with the girls in school- let's have lunch sometime!!
jack russells are so young at heart! xoxoxo
I LOVE your photos this week - the colors/everything just jive so well together. Loving the blue. I would have NEVER thought the dog was that old - looks pretty perky to me! Love those Jack Russells! Nicely done team.
Rockey is adorable! In dog years I guess she would be getting up there. I love the tilt of her head it goes so well with the tilt of the camera. Nice combo. :)
Oh my gosh! What a cute face and expression and ears that Rocky has. Great shot.
Sweet Rockey! Always camera ready. :0)
Look at Rocky cocking her head at that camera! What a cute pairing. Such good news about V too.