Whatever Wednesday

Don't we all feel like this sometimes? This pic just cracks me up every time I look at it.
Random for today:
- Vienne's comment this morning as she was getting dressed: "But no one else will like it." Ugh. I found this most awesomely cute dress on etsy (similar to this one but with a different patch) that is made from recycled men's shirt. Pure genius. I love it. Best of all it's sweet. I guess the problem though is that it's not "pretty", meaning it's not pink, it doesn't have ruffles, there are no sparkles on it. I don't know how this got so out of hand but I am for sure gonna work on it with her. I will get a picture of her in it to show you how sweet it is on.
- I went to a Gifted and Talented meeting last night for Natalya and learned so much about the development and needs of students in this category. And of course it got me thinking A LOT about the opportunities that I gave Natalya that I might not have given Vienne. I was so much more patient when N was younger, I had more time. Did I teach her more? Did I talk to her more? Did I give her more learning experiences? Did I completely gip V? How much of it is nurture v. nature? Would V have the same intellectual capabilities as N did at V's age if I had done the same things with her? Why do I have to turn something positive into something negative??
- We so need rain. As you can tell from the grass in the pic above. Everyone's grass looks like that. Or should. Unless your cheating.
- My friend Erica made a comment on my post yesterday about how Rockey Dog has put up with the girls for many years. It got me thinking that she really has and that maybe the girls being in school all day is a big change for her too. And, boy does she sleep a lot. She is ten so maybe that's what old dogs do and what else can she do? Maybe I have to start taking her out for walks.
- Has anyone else discovered how great Skinny Cow ice cream bars are?? Amazingly good for being low fat. Especially the Truffle Bars. YUM. And 2 grams of fat.
- Project Runway! Hope you're watching with me. It's the only reality show I watch and I look forward to it. It's breaking all kinds of Lifetime records cuz everyone loves it. Bravo is probably kicking itself right now for losing it.
- And more Halloween from etsy, because I can't resist: Awesome idea for baby wings and a sling, these are still available and I can't believe no one has snatched them up yet, the price is a little high for these but I am looking forward to The Wild Thing movie and we all have wild things at home.
OK, that's it for me this morn. I'm off to tennis then back home to knock out some editing. Happy Wednesday.
Reader Comments (9)
i know, from seeing both your girls, NO ONE is getting gipped.
the dress is so cute - i want one in a mommy size.
skinny cow, my favorite oxymoron ice cream treats.
and the rain thing is getting scary, isn't it?
*YAY* for Project Runway!! I too have been waiting for it to come back and last week I sat and enjoyed watching it for hours. What I am looking forward to with this change to Lifetime is that I got so sick of the Bravo commercials and that guys echoed voice on all of them. The self promotion was tireless for Bravo. Maybe I will notice it on Lifetime soon enough, but wow I could just kill that guy in the commericals!
I always forget about Etsy until someone like you posts great links to adorable things. You can buy ANYTHING there! Now I am craving a browsing spree..... :0)
You are like my long lost soul sister, Melody...I swear.
Addie and V. are two peas in a pod. Addie will not wear something because it isn't very "posh!" (Although that dress is ADORABLE! If it were in pink, it might be acceptable by little Miss Fancy Pants!)
I OFTEN feel like Emma is going to cruise through school/life so much more easily because I had so much more of myself to give to her, but remember as someone also told me, V. not only has you - but also N. to learn from and be loved she is essentially getting double the experiences. And as I have to constantly remind myself, they are just different. No two girls will ever be the same.
Skinny cow = heaven on a stick. I love the sandwiches and my new obsession is the fudge bars. They really do taste sinfully good.
And how bad is it that on Thursday last week I was already dreaming of next Wednesday - plotting out my evening so I could curl up on the sofa to watch PR? I even have J. hooked...and that is funny to hear him critiquing the outfits coming down the runway. Sigh. Wednesday is finally here!!
And finally, I cannot even click over to see the etsy links, because once I get over there...I can't control myself. So I'm trying out some newfound self restraint. Until next week...
What an adorable picture! I have to agree, it's moments like that when you just have to smile. :) There's always more ice cream.
I have the same problem with Anya - it needs to be pink and twirly or else it doesn't get worn. At least I can say that she wears what I make her pretty much every day.
Don't worry about your kids and what they have been given. Each one has a different personality and learns at a different rate. I don't think my parents did anything different from me and my sister and I was an A student and my sister was a B/C student. She just didn't like school and studying as much as I did. It is what is and you can't make your kids be something they are not. That's not healthy either.
Love that little Wild Thing cute. Thanks for sharing your etsy finds. :)
I guess i am the first one to see your fuzzy chaps that you "linked to" they made me laugh out loud especially after just viewing the angel wing are too funny. if you wore those chaps when you do your pics, everyone around you would always be smiling.
I'm so mad. I just got all comfy - couldn't figure out why my Tivo hadn't picked up PR. It is on Thursdays now.
So bummed...
Now you just listen to all those other moms there Mel, they are so right about the second child thing....All of our kids are different and have different gifts. If V had been interested in the same things as N I'm sure you would have encouraged her that way too. But you know all this.
Laughing about the dress given my last comment about school uniforms. I do think uniforms take pressure off kids. Recently we had a 'casual' day and the kids all protested they didn't WANT one becuase it was too stressful trying to choose what to wear!!!!!
skinny cow bars... ALL of them... yes... we love them!
now i see... she wasn't too sure about the dress at first! glad she likes it now! it IS genius!
yall SO need rain! any luck today at all? my mom played golf in the rain in Kerrville! it is PAST dry there too!