Whatever Wednesday

So I was gonna post a picture here ↓ but I just got a new computer (YAY!) and not everything is transferred over yet. So no picture to post. But, you can still see a picture of mine if you hop on over to JPG Magazine's blog!!! I'm there at the bottom. I'm really not the braggin' kind and it really is just a coincidence that these last two posts have been a bit of me patting myself on the back. It's the little things that make me happy. And when Momma's happy...
Vienne has been talking a lot about Halloween. I can't blame her, I love Halloween. She want's to be Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. So here's a few great finds from etsy in the Halloween department:
- Love this. Wish I could be a vampire bat now.
- I don't think this outfithas to just be for Halloween. I think you can get away with wearing it all year long. If you buy this outfit, don't forget to thank me.
- This french fry costumewould be so hard to resist if I had a little one who would wear it.
- OK, this is just the patternnot the knitted item itself, but I had to laugh at this Princess Leia get up.
- This baby hatis just so cute and also not only Halloween related. But so cute.
- And who wouldn't want to be a little gnome.
- These felt beardscrack me up every time.
School is starting in a couple of weeks. Mixed feelings from me. The girls have been really good this Summer. I'm not in a hurry to give them up yet. But I am in a hurry to get my routine back. I have not been to the gym in forever. But anyday now we should be getting a call or note to find out who will be their teachers. Fun. Oh, a friend of mine tipped me off on this great line of lunch boxes called Go Green Lunch Box. Way cute and you can't always find green AND cute.
OK, I'm off to enjoy my day and the beauty of having an awesome babysitter.