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Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007


7 Days and Counting

I just realized that this is our last week of sleeping in! The girls start school next Monday. Of course, sleeping in for us is only 7:30 but still. I can't believe how many things change with just one event.

These are the books that I am reading to V to get her ready for school: How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends by J. Yolen and M. Teague; If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff; The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn; Dora Goes to School by Leslie Valdez; Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle. Any other recommendations?

This will be My Best Shot for today. Been to Picture This lately?

OH! And I just had to mention that I entered this picture in the Photoworks Dog Photo Contest and I won 1st place! Enter your cute dog in this month's contest and you too may win a $100 gift certificate.



Ya Shouldn't Have

You know how it's always better to receive kudos when it's least expected? Like now! Melissa had some nice things to say about me and gave me an award. Aw shucks. Thanks, Melissa! I will pass it on to Jen because she wrote a post just on this subject a few weeks ago. She is sooooo nice. I'm so glad to have had my children grow up with her children; to Arizaphale because her comments are just the nicest, aren't they? I know she's left some at your blog, too; and to Maile because her comments are always so encouraging and, well, she's just so darned nice to know.

Have a nice week.



Fly Girls

Well, they are pretty fly. Natalya and Vienne are accessorizers.
Natalya found my sunglasses and put them on.And when monkey sees, monkey does. We enjoyed a great afternoon at the pool with friends. We have been loving the Texas sun. Guess what? It's raining today!

Thursday's Theme at Picture This is "fly". Whatcha' got?



Pic of the Day



Tiny Dancer

This is my Sweet V. She asked me specifically to take "my picture with me like this." Vienne had her first dance class last night. And, in my unprofessional opinion, she may be the best dancer in the class. As many of you moms or dads know, it is the most tooth rotting, heart melting experience watching your little 3 year old, among other 3 year olds, try her hardest to tap or point her left foot in sync with the other 3 year olds and the teacher. I think some of the other girls may have thrown her off because she knows what her left foot is.
