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Sewing Frenzy

I've been all consumed these last few weeks with several sewing projects. Thought I'd share some of them:

OK, no sewing on these. The girls, being my biggest fans, love them. Who says summer's almost over?

V's nap mat for school. I decided the day before school started that I am going to have her nap at school. So we ran out and got the plastic mat. Then I made this cover with fleece camo and contrasting motorcycle fabric. Girlie with a little edge, just like V. Attached pillow and attached blanket. I impressed myself.

And preschool totes. This is V's before the monogramming. Pink and brown zebra with black eyelash fringe. I also made two camo totes for two boy friends.

Next project will be Halloween costumes. The girls want to be monsters. Since we have always dressed up as a family, Mommy and Daddy will be monsters, too.


Reader Comments (7)

Wow, that amazes me! I especially love the nap mat with pillow and blanket. Question, though-do all kinders show up with fancy mats? Cause...I can't do what you did! ;) Oh boy, are my kids in for some trouble.
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Melissa
i didn't know they had a choice about napping! V is the luckiest girl in the class. Do you like sewing those? Or is it only when you're in the mood? Because i'd love to buy one from you. I'm always the mom with the ugly pillow. Although I did finally get a pooh bear one this time. I'm moving on up!
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter maile
So creative, Melody. You should have lots of time for those costumes now with your free time. : )
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Honorary Indian
you take pictures and sew too! Wow, that is impressive. You might have a little side business. I'd buy a nap map too!
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter horizonwaystories
You are super mom! Way toooooo cute projects!
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Mommy's Cherish
I can't wait to get the boy's bags. They'll be the best in the class!!
August 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter mamastoeheadboyz
I am really impressed. These make my show costumes look a bit lame! I'll be waiting to see pix of the Monster costumes and everyone in them too.
Nap mats! We don't have naps at school here in Aus, but then I guess she's at what we call Pre-School or Kindy. I don't remember having naps there either though. I love the pink camo and motorbike fleece. Very hip indeed! And the tote bags......AND the thongs........wow. I am breathless with admiration. By the way, I have tagged you for a meme over at my place!!
September 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Arizaphale

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