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Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007


Field Trip

This weekend we visited the "Here Be Dragons" exhibit at the Institute of Texan Cultures. Greg has been wanting to go to the ITC for a long time. It's filled with all things related to Texas history. The current special exhibit is about dragons. As you enter the exhibit there is a really cool animated dragon. The rest of the exhibit talks about how dragons came to be cross culturally.

This picture was taken at the entrance of the ITC. If you've ever been to Texas you know that the flag flies everywhere. This is a huge neon flag that I thought was very cool.
Across from the ITC is the 750 foot tall Tower of the Americas. It's one of the first things you see when you approach downtown San Antonio. We've never been up there. Frankly, I'm a wee bit scared to go up. There's a restaurant at the top.
And our little Sweet V. She's always asking, "Where are we going next?"

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Saturday Afternoon Post

This morning Maile was in our little town again for another shoot. So I met her to pick up Vienne's portraits from our session. It was like Christmas. I opened the bow, then the paper, and there was my beautiful girl's face captured just as I know it. The book that she created was amazing. I may just have to carry it around with me for a couple of weeks to share it with any stranger who's willing to give me a few minutes.

Afterwards, the girls and I roamed Main Street for awhile. Trying to figure out why I always have so many pictures of Vienne and less of Natalya, I realized that when Natalya is done with me pointing the camera at her, she starts making funny faces. Here ducky, ducky.

(The "bottom" one will be My Best Shot. Whatcha got?)

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Fasten Your Seat Belts...

...It's going to be a bumpy ride. The HipHub has decided to join the Air Force reserves. He has already completed 17 years in the Air Force. When his time was up in the AF two years ago, we (mostly meaning "I") decided that in the best interest of the family, he would not sign on for more years. He had already been deployed to Saudi Arabia and to Iraq and he would have definitely had to go to Iraq again soon. He had always intended on joining the reserves at some point to finish up 20 years and therefore "retire" from the AF then.

He just couldn't let it lie. It was burning at his inner being. OK, I admit, from a retirement standpoint, he's right. That money in the future will certainly be nice. And he did look handsome in his uniform. Very handsome. But deployments are hard. Greg is telling me that he has some reassurance from somebody (I want credentials and it all in writing) that deployment is less likely. But if you are military aware, there are no guarantees. That is definitely a journey I don't want to take again. I will keep my fingers crossed that it's an uneventful 3 years.

Thursday's Theme is "Trip". Pack your bags, grab your passport and visit Tracey at Picture This.



Pic of the Day

Speechless today? Join Wordless Wednesday.

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