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Coo Coo for Coconuts

This picture kinda makes me laugh. Natalya and I were at HEB the other day and she saw coconuts. Many a time I have said, "OK, one of these days we'll get one so you can see what they look like inside." Natalya reminded me so we took two home. Greg drilled a hole in each and we let the girls drink them. It was no surprise that Natalya did not like it and it was also no surprise that Vienne did. Then Greg smashed them open. I did what I could to shred some of the meat and made smoothies. If anyone has a trick to doing it let me know 'cause I had utensils and coconut everywhere. On the other hand, I now know why they have it already shredded and ready in bags.


Reader Comments (1)

Did they talk about coconuts in school this week? Because Brandt was telling me how they fall on the ground, and then you pick them up, open them and there is cold milk inside...was wondering where he got that, thought it was on Diego or something but maybe school if V was talking about them too? So cute...
September 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Mamasboyz

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