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If You Find Me Wandering...

...Please send me home. I feel a little lost and lonely with no Vienne around. It's eerily quiet and I think the Dog thinks something is up. It hasn't been just me and Rockey since before the girls. But V's first day of school drop off was a success. She didn't fuss or cry and woke up ready to go. This is how I hope to see her when I pick her up or else I'll be thinkin' that I'm the worst Mommy ever:

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Reader Comments (3)

Just wondering...did she look like that at pick up? :) She's beautiful.
August 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter melody is slurping life
She did!! And she asked if we could stay longer. I think it was a good day. She didn't nap which is very unusual for her but hopefully she'll relax and nap today. Thanks for asking.
August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Melody A.
I know it was a hard day for you...but I don't think it was for her, if that's any consolation! May she have lots of sweet dreams at school today. : )
August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter Honorary Indian

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