Mission Accomplished

Although not as planned. Vienne made it to school today. She seemed very excited and was up at 5:45 this morning ready to leave. But I found out at pickup that she cried at lunch time. We had a hard time last year at drop off for several weeks. I was half expecting it to happen again, I just hope it doesn't last as long.
I was hoping that after dropping off both girls that I would be able to have a nice, carefree day with no children. I was planning on going to the gym, then heading home for a few hours. Well, Natalya woke up with an ear ache. She's had a few this summer. So I gave her some Motrin, sent her off to school, made an appt. with the pediatrician, came back to school to get her and took her to the doc, then brought her back to school. No gym today, no carefree time at home. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

I was hoping that after dropping off both girls that I would be able to have a nice, carefree day with no children. I was planning on going to the gym, then heading home for a few hours. Well, Natalya woke up with an ear ache. She's had a few this summer. So I gave her some Motrin, sent her off to school, made an appt. with the pediatrician, came back to school to get her and took her to the doc, then brought her back to school. No gym today, no carefree time at home. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

Reader Comments (10)
I guess everyone has adjustments huh? Glad I'm not alone although I almost felt like it with how quiet it was at my house today. Oh, and then the baby started crying and Tyler woke up from a nap! Austin's day went well and he even kept his napkin with the note I wrote on it. Sweetness. Give those girls big hugs for me!
Awww, poor Vienee. N's first day is tomorrow...and I'm a bit worried about tears, too. She's been soooo excited all summer, but today at meet the teacher she was pretty overwhelmed. *crossing fingers* I hope you get your carefree day soon!
Sometimes it's hard, I guess. I thought Nicky was perfectly fine, too, until one day last week he told me that he really wanted to come home at lunchtime every day. :-( Fortunately, as the days go on he gets better, and yesterday told me that he was happy all day at school now.
Hugs to your girls, and to you!
I guess this is where I am happy that the girls are only at school for a few hours, less time for them to get to crying. I hope tomorrow you get your day of peace!
Sorry to hear that both girls had a bit of a hard time yesterday. I hope today goes better. Lovely shot of V there - she's adorable in her first day of school clothes. :)
yeah for V! I hope Natalya is feeling better soon. We'll see how next week goes, Harrison was hating camp by the last week.
i know i've said this before... BUT... i need to eat her! :)
she is SOOOOO caaauuuute!
she will be great... first week nerves... may they pass fast!
Natalya... get better fast... they'll miss you at school!
your girls are so beautiful!
Aww poor ole V. Our kids only go in for half days for the first few weeks of their school lives. Seems to be a good compromise...
I'm sure that has to be such an adjustment. She looks so excited in the photo!