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Entries from February 1, 2010 - February 28, 2010


I Love...

...The SA Rodeo.

And not because of

And not because of

And not because of

Although they weren't all that bad.  Like a funnel cake with warm peanut butter and jelly. 

I love the rodeo because of

They did not get their bravery from me.  And because

She's reached the maximum weight limit for pony rides so this will be the last.  Seriously?  She's getting to big for something?  She rides every week but somehow she still wants to do this one.  And I love the rodeo because

we get to wear our cowgirl duds.  And because

We just have fun.  I just about freaked when N said she wanted to get on this ride.  Really?  How is that fun?  I would have puked and then puked some more.  Check out their faces.  This is when it was coming down.  Ha!

But mostly I love the rodeo because we get to explore and learn and be together.  

I think the last one will be My Best Shot for today.  I Love Best Shot Monday.


I Love...

...Pure child's play.

It has been raining cows and horses here (that's what the girls call it when it's more than cats and dogs.)  Non stop for days.  Hopefully we'll be seeing the light today.  Yesterday as we were pulling into the driveway the girls saw all of the puddles (more like lakes) in our yard and wanted to play.  So they put their boots on on went a splashin'.  

I also love when they play together.  Being 3 1/2 years apart, I worry that their interests are just to diverse.  But sometimes they manage to find something they both like.  


Team Up Thursday


   Megan on the left and me on the right.  Our theme for this Team Up Thursday was "dark".  But we both somehow incorporated light into our photos.  Cool.  Hope you are playing again this week.  Megan and I were thrilled to see so much participation last week and were even more thrilled to see such awesome diptychs.  If you are new and need a partner, go to Megan's and leave a comment.  She'll hook you up.  And pick up the blog button (thanks, Leah!)  I can't figure out how to get it on here yet.  


I Love...

...Rockey dog.

She's 10 years old and is our first baby.  She's looney and sometimes I'm convinced that she doesn't have all of her marbles.  She still steals the girls toys and puts them in her bowl.  She barks at the tv when the girls are playing Wii.  She paces when her blanket isn't in her bed.  She chases UPS.  She brings in dead animal parts.  She is totally afraid of balloons.  Hmm.  She sounds an awful like a dog.  :)  We love her.  


I Love...



OK, that's a given.