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Entries in Team Up Thursday (10)


Team Up Thursday

This week at Team Up, Megan and I chose "in the distance" as our theme.  Megan is still bragging about her Hawaii vacation with her image on the left.  :p  Mine is of Vienne.  This was the first time I ever bribed her with a dollar to work for me.  Boy, was that easy!  She even did the whole thing with a smile.  I just hope she doesn't ask for more next time.  

I realized that I usually choose to come in closer while taking a photo.  I think it's because I'm not a fan of landscape photography.  Knowing this week's image would have a lot of landscaping in it, I made sure that I added a pop of color to make it more interesting.  Megan's has it too.  That sea of blue and that pop of red with the white line dividing the image into two colors adds so much more interest.  

Happy Thursday!


Team Up Thursday


It's not hard to take pics of Summer here in S. Texas.  But I'd say it's pretty weird that both Megan and I chose signs of Summer to photograph when our theme this weeks was "signs".  The girls got in the pool weeks ago but nothing tells us Summer is coming like the girls getting the pool itch.

Another sign that Summer is coming- school is out today!  I don't know who is happier, them or me.  It turned out to be a great year for both.  Natalya made straight A's all year and was commended on both her reading and math TAKS tests.  I surely saw her growing up in many ways this year.  She actually gave me the first, "Mom, don't bother me I'm with my friends" look about a month ago.  Sheesh.  Vienne cried every day as we dropped her off from the beginning of school into December .  Towards the end of the school year, she just came home and would say, "Momma, I said I missed you today but I didn't cry."  She still wants me around.  I think she'll always be my baby.  She's reading now and yesterday read a sign as we were driving and said, "Momma can I really read now!"

Pics tomorrow of Vienne's dance recital.  Trust me, they're cute.


Team Up Thursday


Hey, Team Up-ers.  This week, Megan and I chose "hot and cold" for our theme.  It was a little difficult because I really wanted to find something that was less obvious.  What have I learned?  Mostly, to try to think outside the camera box.  Sometimes it doesn't work, but it's still a creative venture.  Wait, there's more!  Go see.


Team Up Thursday

In honor of Mother's Day, Megan and I decided on "mom" for our Team Up Thursday theme this week. I am just so wowed by Megan's picture.  It's so amazing how much you can learn from just one image.  I don't have any photos like that but I hope that my girls will.  Which is why I take so many pictures.  Hopefully they'll look back at this photo of us and tell a story and feel the emotion all over again.  


Team Up Thursday


 Megan and I decided on the theme "shape" for our Team Up Thursday diptych this week.  I love how Megan composed this image and have to wonder if she did that while shooting or in post production.  How cool is it that we both chose to do circles?  There is so much talent out there, go and leave a few comments.