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Entries in I Love (3)


My Other Baby

My first born.  Natalya turns 10 in Feb.  Double digits.  I have to say, that's a pretty big deal.  For her and for me.  But I'll talk about that more in February because I've told Natalya that February is her month on the blog.  She was less than excited about.  :)  But I really don't get many pictures of her because she's rarely as willing to pose for me as Vienne is.  I'll take what I can get, like this pic of her doing what she does regularly.  Read.  And her favorite subject- horses.

And what does Rockey do while N is reading?  Sleep.  Frankly she sleeps all the time.  At 11 years old, she's still got lots of pep and craziness but it must wear her out quicker.  And who can resist falling asleep in a warm sun spot?

(BTW, I used a free action on these two.  Get it here.  Oeil Photography is wonderful and so are her actions.)


I Love...

... My sweet V. 

AKA the love bug, lovey dovey, munchkin, princess.  I love that she likes to sing out loud.  I love that she chooses to wear dresses in the rain.  I love that she lets me take pictures of her ALL the time (and even poses.)  I love that she loves to snuggle.  I love that she's a friend seeker.  I love that she'll ask for fruit if she doesn't like what I cook for dinner.  I love that she tries so hard at everything.  I love that she still says that she's my baby.  I love her.  

This is the photo we took for Valentine's Day.  I added the doodles which I found on etsy.  But you can do a search and find tons of free ones.  I had the picture printed on stickers, put the sticker on paper bags, and we filled the bags with sweet treats.  So get busy!  There's still time.

Even the almost 9 year old was excited to see hers made.  Natalya was a little apprehensive about the whole Valentine's thing.  She was worried that the other kids wouldn't be doing it.  I checked around and they are.   Whew, so glad she wasn't outgrowing that just yet.  


I Love...

...Rockey dog.

She's 10 years old and is our first baby.  She's looney and sometimes I'm convinced that she doesn't have all of her marbles.  She still steals the girls toys and puts them in her bowl.  She barks at the tv when the girls are playing Wii.  She paces when her blanket isn't in her bed.  She chases UPS.  She brings in dead animal parts.  She is totally afraid of balloons.  Hmm.  She sounds an awful like a dog.  :)  We love her.